The color of this particular product leaves a bit to be desired. But the flavor was fine (to me) and the pear and garden greens combo is pretty nice and healthy.
I echo the same concerns that another reviewer posted. I actually got this product a little earlier since I knew my baby would be eating in a month or so. Lo and behold, once I opened it when he was ready for solids, the expiration had already passed. Perhaps this is only an issue for the free stuff we're getting through Vine reviews; I sure hope so. But somebody ought to think twice about giving out stuff on the cusp of expiration that is meant for babies and their uniquely sensitive systems. This is also relevant given that the baby food comes packaged as a pack of 12. Now, I don't know who would buy a package of 12 food pouches of the *exact* same flavor. Your baby must really love pear and greens. Moreover, I mentioned that each pouch is 4.5 ounces. That's more than 2 glass jars' worth. My personal thought is that unless your child has texture issues or low oral muscle tone, the baby is probably going to move through the pureed food stage a lot faster than you could possibly go through 12 pouches of this baby food (I'm assuming that you're also providing him/her with other flavors, though).
I also recommend looking into the Happy Baby brand of baby food. It also comes in neat little pouches and has organic pureed fruits and veggie combos; but it adds additional Salba grains that are naturally rich in Omega-3s. If you found this review helpful, please let me know! Customer review from the Amazon Vine Program I ate one of these pouches so I would know what to expect from them. Honestly, all I could taste was pear so although I believe the other ingredients mentioned are in them, they are pretty sweet, and I worry about creating a baby with a sweet tooth as a result. There are few ingredients (good in my book I prefer to eat nothing that has more than 5 ingredients) and they appear to be of a high quality.
I miss the old baby food jars which seem greener to me. If you didn't recycle the glass, you could at least save the jars for storage of small items. The BPA-free packaging of these does make it easy to get the contents out, and the lid can be screwed back on so that the pouch can be finished later, but overall, there is a lot of trash generated from them.My baby absolutely loves this food! He's been eating Earth's best and Gerber purees regularly, and he will eat those just fine, but when I've given him the Baby Gourmet food, he practically wolfs it down. I've tasted it and it actually tastes pretty good! Now, my only issue with this food is how ridiculously expensive it is. We received about 10 packets for free at an event, and that's pretty much the only reason we tried them. I wish we could buy more but the price point is just a little too much. Customer review from the Amazon Vine Program I make my daughter's baby food because my previous experience with store-bought foods (granted it was many years ago) was that they were overly processed, foul tasting, and inconvenient. The food never tasted anything like what the label proclaimed it to be and usually tasted rather flavorless or sour, and they were only available in clunky containers that were annoying to pack or store. This looked different so I decided to give it a try and I am glad that I did.
First, and most important to me, the food is made of all natural and organic ingredients. Second, I can clearly taste the vegetables and fruit in each bite, and I can identify them as greens and pear. Third, the storage container is extremely convenient. I don't have to worry about the package breaking open in her bag and it is easy to serve her exactly the amount I desire.
The packaging recommends that the product be consumed within 24 hours and in my house that is no problem. My sometimes-reluctant-to-eat 6 month old had absolutely no difficulty polishing off a container in a day. And if she did, it tastes so good that I would probably not mind finishing it off. She loves the taste and the consistency is great for someone just starting on purees. Customer review from the Amazon Vine Program As we were preparing for the arrival of our 7 month old grandson, I ordered this Vine selection for him. He is not a picky eater, but he does have some foods that he will not eat. He gets this funny face, gags, and then spits it up. It is quite cute actually as the grandparent many more things are cute this time around. So after a round of gags with a new pumpkin organic something or another, we tried this pear and garden greens food combo. It is made up of a blend of organic pears, organic broccoli and organic spinach. He face went from gags to smiles, his hands starting to whirl and his mouth kept opening until the packet was empty. And I stood there with my mouth open no, not for this concoction, but because who in the world would think that these three foods would be anything that a human would like. But like it he did. We fed him 7 packets in 7 days and he never tired of it.
Highly recommended.
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