I have found that nothing short of nailing it to a table will prevent any child from picking it up. With a good amount of effort, she was able to pick this base w/plate up, but it is bulkier and heavier than any plate out there. There are also tacky grips on the bottom so it prevents her from pushing the base across the table. She cannot push the base plate for sure, but she can pick it up if she set her mind to it. I try to distract her by giving her the fork and spoon. Now she tries to spear food with her fork and no longer tries to lift the entire plate. I suppose spearing is more of a challenge than lifting. I have to say that the fork and spoon are a good size for her hands and a good shape for picking up food.
Lastly, she has been able to separate off the white plate from the base by grabbing the dividers and spill food. But I have found that spreading a little olive oil on the dividers have positively foiled any attempts at picking off the white plate. I know it sounds like a lot of work, but it makes for a cleaner meal.
I wish that they sold extra utensils and white plates so I don't have to wash it after every meal. I definitely don't want to pay for a new set and base!
Buy Skip Hop Mate Feeding Plate and Utensils Now
I wanted to use this on my son's high chair, but the mat is too big to fit. When placed on the kitchen table it slides around. It doesn't move as easily as if there were no mat, but the purpose of purchasing it was so it wouldn't move at all. The concept is great....only if it served it's purpose.Read Best Reviews of Skip Hop Mate Feeding Plate and Utensils Here
Before purchasing this, our one-year old son mashed and smashed his food all over the place. This has helped him learn to just put the food straight into his mouth. The non-skid rubber really helps and it is dishwasher safe, always a plus. I highly recommend this item.This plate is not worth its money. The placemat claims to be stay-put, but it moves very easily. It only has very small skidproof strips on the bottom, and when my 8-month old tugs at it, it slides around. Also, she very easily picks the plate up by using the dividers it does not lock into place at all. Food also falls into the crevice around the plate, and all over the placemat. It's not really practical because then I just end up washing two plates instead of one. I wanted to use this with a tray-less high chair that attaches to a table, but now I've decided to go with the fisher price booster Fisher-Price Healthy Care Deluxe Booster Seat Blue/Green/Gray that has a tray already so there is no need for a plate, and is a good alternative to having a big ugly high chair. The whole booster seat is just a little more than this plate cost!
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