Farleys Rusks 18s (300gs)

Farleys Rusks 18sI bought this because my mother told me that she fed me farley biscuits when I was little. in states, the recommended age to solid food feeding is 6 months, but I fed my son farley biscuit diluted with water when he was 4 months. the biscuit is easily dissolve and a good introduction food for baby.

I used this or my children when they started solid food and now using for my grandchildren. Good starter food.

Buy Farleys Rusks 18s (300gs) Now

The Farleys rusks taste good and my baby girl likes them but they do fall apart completely which is good in one side because it melts in her mouth but no so good on the other side since she needs to bite it for her teething.

Read Best Reviews of Farleys Rusks 18s (300gs) Here

A staple early baby food in the UK. My baby loves them mixed into his milk and hopefully as a snack in a couple of months. You can mix these with yogurt, many soft baby foods, break up as finger food, they're great.

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