Buy PackIt Freezable Lunch Bag Now
After 1 month after purchasing the lunch box, I noticed a tear on the inside that made the box unsafe to use. I think that a yogurt container slit the very thin plastic. I called packit and explained the situation. They would not stand behind their product and considered the yogurt container a "sharp" object.I DID MY OWN TEST ON THIS, I FROZE IT ALL DAY AND NIGHT THEN LOADED IT WITH A FEW ITEMS. MY MAIN TEST ITEM WAS A STICK OF BUTTER. I SET A TIMER FOR 10 HOURS PUT IT IN MY PANTRY (SO THERE WOULD BE NO LIGHTS OR SUNLIGHT ON IT TO CAUSE IT TO THAW MORE QUICKLY (WAS TRY TO GIVE IT'S BEST SHOT.) BY THE 5 HOUR MARK THE BAG WAS NEARLY THAWED AND THE PRODUCTS INSIDE (YOGURT, JELLY AND BUTTER) WERE NOT COLD ENOUGH THAT I WOULD EAT THEM, BARELY COOL TO THE TOUCH. THE STICK OF BUTTER WAS SOFT AS IF IT HAD LAID ON THE TABLE. I KEEP THE AIR SET AT 71 DEGREES IN MY HOUSE, IT WAS IN A DARK PANTRY AND STILL DIDN'T MAKE IT. IT HAS NOW BEEN 8 HOURS AND TWENTY MINUTES SINCE THE TEST STARTED AND THE BOX IS ABOUT AS WARM AS IT STARTED BEFORE BEING PUT IN THE FREEZER, I CAN NOT IMAGINE DOING AS THEY ADVERTISE AND HAVING THE KIDS COME HOME AFTER A WHOLE DAY AT SCHOOL AND SAFELY PUTTING THEIR LEFT OVERS IN THE FRIDGE FOR LATER. THEY ALSO SHOW PEOPLE TAKING IT TO SPORTS GAMES AND SUCH, I WILL TRY IT, BUT I CAN'T SEE HOW IT WOULD STAND A CHANCE IN THE SUN OR WARM TEMPERATURES. DON'T WASTE YOUR MONEY, I ORDERED FROM THEIR WEBSITE TO GET THE BOGO FREE OFFER AND AFTER THE SHIPPING AND HANDLING (WAY OVER PRICED) IT COST ME OVER 32.00 FOR MY TWO. I CAME HERE TO SHARE MY REVIEW BECAUSE I COULD NOT FIND ANYWHERE ON THEIR PAGE TO WRITE ONE, KIND OF MAKES YOU WONDER WHY. STAY OLD SCHOOL, IT'S BETTER AND CHEAPER! HOPE THIS HELPS :)We ordered this for my son to take to school. We were very excited and couldn't wait to try it. We used them for about 2 weeks. Our conclusion? No good. After freezing it for 48 hours, the pack was frozen solid (good). We packed a good lunch, but by the time picked him up, anything left in the bag (like unopened yogurt) was room temp. The ggod thing is they offer a 30 day money back guarantee. But when I called to get return authorization, the customer service rep had 20 questions for me. He even suggested I try adding an ice pack to the lunch bag!!!!! I thought that was the whole purpose of these bags? We are returning them and going back to the plain old lunchbox with a cooler pack.PackIt Freezable Lunch Bag
Posted by
ink cartridge
on Saturday, March 29, 2014
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