Chewable Jewels Circle Necklace (Pink)

Chewable Jewels Circle NecklaceI ordered this for my 2nd grade daughter, who has been sick constantly due to sucking on her fingers and shirt. I wanted to get her something to put in her mouth that wasn't as germ-infested as her fingers. Unfortunately, this didn't work because it was too big to fit in her mouth. It was kind of like trying to suck on a large chocolate chip cookie she couldn't get more than the edge in her mouth so she found it quite unsatisfactory. She wore it for about an hour, and as far as I know it's still in the backyard where she took it off and used it to mark the spot where she planted a pine cone.

I want to be clear that there is nothing inherently wrong with the product it seemed well-made and I liked the fact that the string's length was adjustable just be aware that it's probably too large to fit completely in a child's mouth and so may or may not fit your needs.


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