Remwood Prod. 60018 Grandma's Lye Soap

Remwood Prod. 60018 Grandma's Lye SoapIngredients: Food grade lard, lye, water.

Smell: It just smells like unscented soap. Much like Ivory or Neutrogena bar soap. It doesn't smell "porky" or "lardy" to me at all. The smell is a bit strong if you're sniffing the bar, but once you rinse it off your skin, it doesn't leave much of any smell at all on your body.

Shape: It is a large bar of soap, with squared edges. So it's kind of hard to hold it, and use it when you first get it. But after a few days it rounds out a bit, and is fine.

Lather: It lathers up bit, but not very much. So don't be disappointed if you don't get a rich, thick lather from it.

Body soap: It absolutely gets you clean, and scent free. But it leaves a scummy residue behind on your body, even if you rinse well, leaving your skin kind of sticky feeling, exactly like Ivory, or Dial, or Irish Springs bars of soap do. I prefer Dove bar soap, or a liquid soap to wash my body with, since they don't leave me feeling sticky after I get out of the shower.

Shampoo: If you run out of shampoo and conditioner, you *can* use this instead. It will get your hair clean, and allow you to run a comb through it afterwards. BUT... this is not exactly preferable. Your hair will *not* be as soft, shiny, and silky as it would be with a good shampoo and conditioner. However, if you have short hair, it will leave your hair with lots of body and texture, and super easy to style.

Hand soap: I can't get over how soft my hands are. I wash my hands a LOT during the day, and I've always used a bit of fragrance-free Curel lotion, after washing them. Now, even without the lotion, my hands feel incredibly soft.

Rashes: I've had a rash on my wrist for several months now, from my watch. I've tried everything to get rid of it. Stopped wearing the watch, tried anti-fungal cream, neosporin, topical steroid cream. Within two days of using the soap, the rash started going away. I kind of think it must be coincidence. I don't know how a product that doesn't have anything in it except lard and lye could clear up a rash. But it is a bit amazing. If I get any more rashes, I'll try the soap on it again, and see if it works again.

Face soap: I've found the holy grail of face soaps. I will never use any other soap on my face. I had great skin up until my mid 20's when all of a sudden, each pore grew to the size of Texas, and each pore was just filled with dirt and oil. I couldn't get rid of it. No matter how many times a day I washed my face, or what kind of soap I used, nothing helped. The only thing that helped at all was the sulfur mask, by Proactive, but if I used that very often, it dried my skin out really bad. My skin was both too dry AND too oily, all at the same time. Flaky areas, surrounded by oil patches. Did I mention the hundreds of black-heads, white-heads, and the occasional zit the size of Mt. Everest? So for the last 10 years or so, I've had to live with this embarrassing skin.

The first time I washed my face with Grandma's Lye Soap, I noticed my pores looked smaller, and my face felt very soft. By day two of using it, I noticed a reduction of blackheads, and the few zits I had on my face were going away, and no new ones were appearing. By day three, I was completely hooked on this soap. My skin hasn't looked this good since before I hit puberty. The dry flaky areas are completely gone. The oil patches are still there, but much reduced. The blackheads, whiteheads, and zits are almost completely gone. My pores look much smaller and tighter. I am using some Clinique face lotion, after I wash my face, but that is it. I am so astonished... I can't get over how great my skin looks, and my skin is as soft as a baby's bottom!

UPDATE: I've been using this soap on my face for several months now, and I still love it. However, my face did start drying out from it pretty bad. Getting rid of the acne was worth it to me though. So now, after I use the soap, I use a tiny bit of oil on my face (olive oil or almond oil) instead of lotion. My skin looks fantastic.

In just 3 days, I noticed a significant difference in my skin!! I'll NEVER go back to any other soap, ugh! I no longer need lotions, acne face wash or foundation. That's right! I've been using this soap for only two weeks and it has fully restored my skin to the point that I don't even need foundation. I can't be happier!

Buy Remwood Prod. 60018 Grandma's Lye Soap Now

Lye soap is rumored to be good for all kinds of complaints, including rosacea, eczema, poison ivy, dandruf, oily skin, oily hair, and even as the wrapper on this soap suggests foul mouthed children.

I've had my eczema under control for a few years, but not my dandruf. My skin and hair have remained oily no matter what I do not for lack of trying to control it, mind you. After a move, I started to have a pretty bad outbreak. I remmebered seeing this stuff in a local hardware store, so I thought I'd give it a try.

Oily skin? Not anymore. Hair? Nope. Dandruf? Seems under control. Eczema? It's only been a few days, but it's coming back under control.

Holy cow, this stuff is good.

Read Best Reviews of Remwood Prod. 60018 Grandma's Lye Soap Here

This soap has definite medicinal properties. I've had a rash on my leg for about 30 years, and this soap completely cured it with about three uses. I'm not joking or exaggerating.

Want Remwood Prod. 60018 Grandma's Lye Soap Discount?

My 9 yr old son and I both suffer with moderate to severe breakouts of eczema, and "Granndma's Lye Soap" has been our "saving grace"! My husband stumbled upon this soap by shear coincidence in a neighberhood store near his job. I tried it, and I must say that I love it! So I searched for it on and found Remwood Products Co. I would recommend it to anyone who suffers w/the symptoms associated w/eczema and acne as well. It will also leave your skin w/that "squeaky-clean" feeling, yet soft and supple. Remwood Products Co. also has the best unit price on-line for this soap, so please place your orders w/them.

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