The author provides a brief postscript to offer up the definition of a vegetable and to expand a bit on the benefits of healthy eating. This is a great choice for any child's personal collection, a classroom, or story time. It's exuberance and beautiful photographs make me echo the author's last double page spread: "Veggies Rock!"As a veggie-hating, book-loving child, l think my attitude towards healthy eating would have drastically different had I read RAH RAH RADISHES! April Pulley Sayre's
catchy chant promoting the joys of vegetables is fun, educational and never preachy. Along with her light-hearted approach to the gifts of Mother Earth, Sayre's beautiful photography turn the produce section into a jewelry display of edible delights. RAH, RAH, RADISHES is a terrific antidote for all the "yummy"-but-not-so-good-for-you food that is so predominate in the U.S. I hope someone sends a copy of RADISHES to the First Gardener herself, First Lady Michelle Obama.My 3-year old son just loves this book read aloud. He's memorized so much of it, he can just about recite the entire thing. It has become a centerpiece of our daily routines--for example, instead of just saying "Oh boy!", we now say, "Oh boy, bok choy! Brussels sprout!" Some of his other favorite phrases: "Bounce for beets!", "Grab that garlic, please your palate!" (that one really cracks me up), and of course, "Veggies ROCK!" I'm looking forward to either a paperback or board book edition that I can buy for his day care center. I wonder if there might some day be similar books that celebrate fruit or other foods?My son absolutely loves this book. We originally got it from the library but when I took it back he kept asking for rah rah radishes. He too memorized most of the book and now it is fun to point out all the veggies at the farmers market. It is a very fun book and reads well.My two-and-half year old daughter loves this book ever since her daycare teacher read it to them. She has every page memorized and loves reading it out loud to us and her stuffed animals. It's a great way for kids to get to know all the vegetables and foster a genuine love towards eating them.
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