The First Years Babypro All In One Baby Food Maker

The First Years Babypro All In One Baby Food MakerI was surprised by how small it actually is, however the product works well. I think the directions need to be more detailed, and come with more specific water amounts to add for the fruits/veggies. The blade is very sharp and works well, I am pleased with the overall performance of the product. I have sucessfully made several meals with the machine. Compared to the significant price break vs. the competitor version of this (which my friend has) I feel I can do all the things with my machine and feel like I got a good value. I am enjoying this product.

Opposite my friends advice I bought this instead of a more expensive Kitchen Aid food processor. I figured half the price half the work right? The processor part has a great blade and is very efficient for it's tiny size.

HOWEVER, I found that is you are making more than 1 or 2 serving for your little one, The steamer has a hard time fully steaming the batch. I found my self running it 2 and sometimes 3 times after "rotating" the food in the steamer. I only had it fully steam something ( half the steamer / maybe half a cup) once... and it was Peas. Each steam session is between 5 and 15 minutes depending on the amount of water required, which is very hard to figure out. I tried the max recommended thinking it was just not cooking long enough and it barely made a difference. Definitely not a time saver

The instructions say to cut food into 1/2 inch cubes, fine for carrot or green beans, but if you have ever cut sweet potatoes or squash this is by no means an easy task, and even less so if you have to run the steamer more than once to get it cooked enough to blend. After a week I caved in and made the investment to a Kitchen aid with a slicing blade ($99) and a steaming basket. Now I can slice everything thin enough to steam in no time, and puree like a champ.

Blender... great, steamer... not worth the investment. Too bad, It is a great idea if it worked.

Buy The First Years Babypro All In One Baby Food Maker Now

when I first got mine out to use it I thought it was broken because the steamer light wouldn't stay on. Then I looked up FAQ's on learning curve's website and the container that does not have holes in the bottom that looks like it is supposed to hold water is not where you put the water. The water goes directly onto the heating plate. When I was searching online I found a lot of people had this problem, the directions are not very clear. But it does work. The food processor half also makes more smooth baby food than my old food processor. However, the price has jumped for some reason after I purchased mine and I don't know if I would buy one now. And it is a small gadget so you can't make much baby food at a time.

Read Best Reviews of The First Years Babypro All In One Baby Food Maker Here

I got this as a first time mom who wanted to make her own babyfood in order to save money as well as giving my son the best food he could get. My mother in law bought this product for me, at my request and I'm not sure why I'm seeing bad reviews! It's awesome! As for instructions, you really don't need any other than 9 oz of food takes 3 oz of water (to steam). It's a little trial and error, but it took me less than one afternoon to figure it out for myself.

I usually can get two/three servings per each steam. If you want to do more at a time, then get another processor. But keep in mind that it really takes no time at all. (I Facebook while I'm steaming, or do laundry), the unit sits right on my counter and it doesn't take up much space at all, it's easy to take apart and clean and it's simple to use! After I put my son to bed is when I'll make his food, or on a weekend afternoon and that's all it takes to make up to two weeks of food. As for recipes...there are tons of books out there and websites that are helpful if you really just take the time to look.

If you want something easier, then maybe you shouldn't be making baby food from scratch at all. Sure it may take a while, it may be a little work, but isn't that the point? It's worth the effort knowing your child is getting food that you've made for him and not just popping open a jar! My son's favorite foods so far are cauliflower and mango! He gets oatmeal swirled with real strawberry puree in the mornings and we're trying fish with lemongrass, starfruit and papaya this weekend!

The only reason why this isn't getting a full five stars is because I wish I could just a little more at a time.

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I purchased this item in 2010 when my son was about 6-7 months old. I loved the product: it was space-efficient, fast, and pureed perfectly. I could adjust the consistency of the purees. I did not have any problems with chunks or food pushed to the sides. I also did not have any problems steaming vegetables, even when the food chamber was full. I had to rotate and rerun at times, especially when I had both proteins and vegetables at the same time, but I didn't see this as a problem. I was using this food maker daily to make complete meals for my baby.

However, after about 3 months of use, one day our steamer stopped working! Just like that, while it was sitting on the kitchen counter. The blender was still working but not the steamer. Amazon's return/exchange period had passed so I contacted the company. They were incredibly nice and helpful, and sent me a replacement immediately.

Unfortunately, with the new replacement Babypro, the blender suddenly stopped working after a month's use! This time the steamer was working and my son was able to eat small chunks by this point so I just kept the product and continued using the steamer only. I was very disappointed that the second Babypro had failed too. As a first time mother, I was really proud of making homemade food for my baby and loved this machine for allowing me to do so.

All in all, could have been a great product, but it failed me twice. I will not be buying the BabyPro again for my second baby, I am going to try a different baby food maker.

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