Razbaby Raz-Berry silicone Teethers Double Pack Both Colors in One Package.

Razbaby Raz-Berry silicone Teethers Double Pack Both Colors in One Package.This teether is NOT SAFE and DOES pose a serious choking hazard. The "mouth shield" is very flexible and allows an infant or small child to turn the teether sideways and get the entire thing into their mouth, as it happened with my 5-1/2 month old son recently. Fortunately, I was in the room when my baby got the entire teether stuck sideways in his mouth and began to choke, all within two minutes of his first time using the teether. The mouth shield and ring both need to be made of hard, inflexible material, the same as a pacifier, to avoid this choking risk.

I recently contacted Razbaby.com and was told the following:

"We are very sorry to hear of your incident. The RaZberry teether has been

in the market since 2004 and we have never had this issue.

The RaZberry teether has been tested extensively for all the safety

standards for pacifiers. One of the many test that is performed is on the

shield (mouth guard) to make sure it does not present a choking hazard. It

has passed all the standards in the USA, Europe, Canada and Australia."

Nevertheless, the instructions on the back of the package clearly state "This product is not a pacifier or a toy." It also states "Do not tie the teether around baby's neck as it presents a strangulation danger." Really? Before or after they've choked on the teether itself?

I have researched this issue online and found that other many parents have complained of the same choking problem. Absolutely nowhere on the package does it even state the possibility of any risk of choking. Maybe pacifier testing standards are less stringent than toy standards (as most pacifiers are "built" the same.) Seems like every toy on the market has a statement of "may pose a choking risk" somewhere on the packaging, even puzzles and stuffed animals.

If you're going to buy this item from Amazon or anywhere else, be careful and watch your baby at ALL TIMES, but I wouldn't take the chance. It only takes one time.

My 8 month old chewed right through the handle the first time I gave it to her. It is a TEETHER, and should have been able to stand up to being chewed on. Its a choking hazard if you ask me!

Buy Razbaby Raz-Berry silicone Teethers Double Pack Both Colors in One Package. Now

My 6mth old had 2 teeth pop through and trying to find a smaller teether at the local stores was ridiculous. I wanted her to be able to hold the teether without knocking herself in the face with some big bulky thing. She loves these! I would definitely recommend them.

Read Best Reviews of Razbaby Raz-Berry silicone Teethers Double Pack Both Colors in One Package. Here

My baby loves it, he can chew on any part of it. I've seen him try to stuff it in his mouth, and he's never succeeded despite having a ridiculously big mouth for a baby. Right up there with Sophie for us. I love especially that the nubby texture makes him not likely to suck on it, he had a tongue tie and gets easily nipple confused with bottle nipples or pacifiers, but he definitely treats this like a teether, NOT a pacifier, and that's great by me.

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My son is 4 months old and he loves these! The nipple it too big for him to keep in his mouth but the chewy guard and handle are what he likes to chew on at the moment. He can easily hold the nipple and chew on the handle. When he is older he will love the nipple part I am sure of it!


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