BooginHead Squeez'Ems Reusable Food Pouches

BooginHead Squeez'Ems Reusable Food PouchesAfter getting sick of buying the applesauce pouches constantly, I found these and decided to give them a try. We've been using it these for about 2 weeks and overall, it does the job, but it could be better.


It holds enough food for a snack or small serving, about the same amount as the applesauce pouches.

It will save you money compared to the one-time use pouches.

It's very easy for my 16 month old daughter to use.

It's easy to clean.


The top can be a bit finicky, and if it's not closed tightly after filled, it can pop open. I now double check it, press it tightly after filling it, and haven't had another issue with it popping open on it's own.

The cap will hit my daughter in the face or get in the way when she's eating.

It's impossible for my toddler to completely empty it. With the design, the hard part at the top makes it difficult to squeeze all of the food out, even as an adult.

Overall, I would recommend this product, and it's a great alternative to the one-time use food pouches for saving money and being Eco-friendly. I would love to try a different brand though to see if a different design might be more user-friendly.

Not sure how this product got 8 reviews with 5 stars. I wish I could give it no stars. Lids are not secure and easily popped off when my daughter squeezed to get more food out. DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY

Buy BooginHead Squeez'Ems Reusable Food Pouches Now

I have been looking for a reusable pouch and am thrilled to find this on the market. My kids love deciding what goes in them and trying new foods. The design is great. They seemed to have thought of everything! Thank you for helping us moms decrease our throw away containers and increase our kids' consumption of healthy food alternatives!

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i thought this would be a great idea to save money from buying those ones filled with food in the stores. but the tops come off way to easy and it is more of a mess and u cant get all the food out anyway

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At first I liked it. The lid is strange like others have said, but the concept seemed well thought out. My problem is when I put them in the dishwasher, they didn't come out clean. I put bananas in there and the little seeds were hopelessly stuck, even after soaking.

Luckily I bought them at Buy Buy Baby where they take everything back.


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