Momo Baby Detach-A-Bowl

Momo Baby Detach-A-Bowl, BlueI love sectioned bowls and to find ones that have covers AND have the sections detach was like the prize in the Cracker Jack box. Although they are BPA free, cool looking and have the sections beware because they LEAK! The covers do not snap on tight they just sort of push on. The first time I traveled with them in my food bag I had pureed carrots and they ended up tipping in the bag and the carrot juice got everywhere. Will work and travel fine as long as they lay flat or don't get jostled. And also good for storage at home. I was just a bit disappointed because I wanted the smaller sections to stack in my bag because packing other covered sectioned bowls vertically the food gets all jumbled or might leak and I figured with this one it would solve that problem and not leak, sadly I was wrong...

I've been using these to transport my daughter's lunches. I've had no issues with them leaking, but I don't think I'd trust them with liquid in a diaper bag. I'd only put something dry in them. For my purpose, they've worked great.

Buy Momo Baby Detach-A-Bowl Now

We've had this container for a while now, close to a year. It held up very well and I love it for packing lunch for my 2 yo.

Read Best Reviews of Momo Baby Detach-A-Bowl Here

I bought these over a year ago and are still using them for my girl's lunches for day care. Hold plenty for a 2 year old and very convenient.

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Sounded good but the pieces of the plate don't quite fit together right and as a result of me trying to get them back together pieces broke off. Look for something else.


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