Clevamama Baby Formula Mixer

Clevamama Baby Formula MixerI originally purchased this item when my daughter was diagnosed with severe GERD as an infant. She was required to take infant Zantac twice per day, and drink one tablespoon of rice cereal for each ounce of formula she drank. She was both lactose and soy intolerant so I had to buy the Nutramegen formula, the most expensive hypoallergenic formula in the shelf. It didn't come enriched with rice starch like some of the other milk based formulas did, so I had to mix this super thick formula every time she ate! Plus she had to remain upright for 30 minutes after she ate to make sure she didn't throw it all up. It was exhausting, especially when she ate every few hours. My arms and wrists became incredibly sore and I would still find lumps in it after I fed her. That wasn't a good thing with her stomach.

When I found this product, I thought "If this works, it will be a godsend!". It takes two AA batteries to work, and is easy to operate after simply pushing the button. Immediately, her formula was mixed evenly, without added bubbles and NO lumps! It cut my formula mixing time in half and saved my sore arms and wrists from constantly shaking formula in bottles!!

It also works great for blending hot chocolate, dry soups and other products. I recently gave this product to my daughter's day care worker. I didn't need it anymore because she outgrew her lactose intolerance and is 2 1/2, she doesn't need formula anymore. I have to say, I am constantly hearing from my daughter's daycare provider how grateful she is to have this! She has several babies that require the same process when making formula. I thought it was hard to make for just one baby, she has three to care for! She has arthritis so this has been a lifesaver for her as well. She uses rechargeable batteries so she won't have to replace any. This is hands down one of the best inventions for babies. Even if you are mixing simple formula without any additional ingredients, it mixes thoroughly without lumps or bubbles that can irritate a baby's stomach. I recommend this product to everyone!!


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