Yes they are expensive, but I get coupons all the time from Similac and use those to buy these bottles. They are wonderful for camping, fishing, or any other time sanitation may be an issue. All you have to do is attach your own nipple and ring. Much less to wash.
Though they are really not made to do it, you can punch out the center from the ring and put in a standard nipple. It seems like it will leak, but it doesn't. Then you can just throw the whole thing away.I always have a couple of these in my diaper bag! We bought the case for our recent vacation and they worked out so great! No washing bottles at the hotel or needing a refrigerator or cooler. I reccomend that you buy a 3 pack of those super cheap evenflo bottles just to use the nipple and ring. We bought a pack of these for $2.99 and use the rings/nipples everytime since our Avent ones don't fit. Love these ready to feed bottles!!These bottles make night feeding and traveling super simple. Just toss a few bottles in the bag or put one by your bed at night, and pop a nipple on when you need it.I buy formula with coupons, or find a deal online, Check out your local stores and find the best price, then you know how to shop online, and what a good price per box is. Our daughter preferred Similac over the other leading brand. She became constipated with powdered formula, so we stuck to Ready To Feed, when she was not breast feeding.This product is great to throw in the diaper bag for on the go feedings. I bought it from Amazon and then read the reviews it can be purchased cheaper at Target. It is $9.99 for a 6 pack at Target, so Amazon is cheaper by $4, plus you get the convenience of it shipping to your house. If you register on Similac's website, they will send you $5 vouchers which can be used in store. With the $5 vouchers, each 6 pack $5, bringing the Target total to $20 instead of the Amazon's $36. Also, I took the advice of another poster and bought the cheap Evenflo bottles to reuse the nipples ($3 for a 3 pack). Definitely a great suggestion as the disposables are $1 each.
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