I LOVE these diapers. My son spent 8 days in the NICU after birth, and came home with, among other things, horrible diaper rash. We'd already puchased the Seventh Generation newborn size, and after a couple of days, his diaper rash was so much better. We've continued to use the Seventh Generation diapers and find them more than comparable to other brands (and they're 10000X better than the Whole Foods generic version -someone bought us a pack of those and they are HORRIBLE -always leaking or blowing out qith the slightest amount of baby poo in it). Our son is long and skinny, so these diapers fit him great, and the redesign is definitely for the better. People, from our family and friends to our doctors are always asking about the diapers, and I always have great things to say! I love that they're chlorine free and biodegradeable, and honestly I like that they're just plain brown without a ton of little cartoon characters all over them. And with Amazon's Subscribe and Save, we're saving at least $3 a package -so that's $12 a shipment, plus the gas to drive 20 minutes to the nearest store that carries them, vs. having them delivered to the door FREE. I'm in love with these diapers, and with Amazon's amazing service!

My wife and I have been using Seventh Generation diapers without any problems since our son was born. Up until now we've been very happy with them. We re-ordered a case this month and received our shipment and noticed that the design of the diapers had changed. They are now thinner, have less elastic and don't fit as snug around the waist or legs. We didn't know there would be an issue until we started using them. Within 24 hours, we had had 3 wet blowouts. We thought it might have been user error so we tried again. Unfortunately, the Seventh Generation diapers we came to know and love are no more. Since the design change, we have at least 1-3 wet blowouts a day, which makes for a lot more laundry and a lot more mess. I'm very sad about this and will now look to a different product for my diapering needs.
Buy Seventh Generation Chlorine Free Baby Diapers, Stage 2 (12-18 Lbs.), 40 Count (Pack of 4) Now
I love Seventh Gen. as a company and these diapers!! They have minimally leaked and only because of the enormous amounts that my daughter creates... otherwise, fantastic!
Read Best Reviews of Seventh Generation Chlorine Free Baby Diapers, Stage 2 (12-18 Lbs.), 40 Count (Pack of 4) Here
These are the best diapers I have used for my little one. She has very sensitive skin, and other brands (including store brands) seem to bother her skin. I also like that they are not perfume-y like other diapers, and they are not covered in cartoon pictures.
Want Seventh Generation Chlorine Free Baby Diapers, Stage 2 (12-18 Lbs.), 40 Count (Pack of 4) Discount?
We tried several different diaper and wipe combinations to help our daughter's diaper rash. Seventh Generation diapers are our top pick. They have great leak guard protection that keep my baby dry without irritating her skin. While she does just fine in Pampers now, we choose to use Seventh Generation because it is a more natural diaper that is gentler on her skin and the environment. We found these diapers far superior to Earth's Best in comfort and coverage (though we LOVE their wipes). As other reviewers have mentioned, Seventh Generation diapers do run a bit smaller than Pampers though Seventh Generation size 1 worked well for us up to 12 lbs. We are now using size 2 and are just as pleased with their fit.
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