The product is hard to find in the US stores and more of a novelty in the States. The flavor is superior to non-roasted buckwheat (IMO). Coming from former Soviet Block, where buckwheat is very common, it is good to find this on Amazon. The small downside is that it has little more than expected kernels' skins. Did not find any small stones or anything as oppose to non-roasted buckwheat from Red Mill.

It is an okay cereal. It has tiny grains after being cooked, which I am not fond of....I like more of an oatmeal consistency. It doesn't have much of a taste, especially in the way of being roasted.
I will finish them off by mixing them with my steel cut oatmeal and not bother to buy them again.
Buy One 18 oz (510 g) Organic Whole Grain, Kasha Now
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