Pack N Snack - Snack Container

Pack N Snack - Snack ContainerI'm a sucker for things hanging on the shelves in grocery stores. Sometimes thy're of great use. Take these Pack n' Snack containers, for example. Now how often do you need a small container with a sealable cap to store a bit of unused food? Well, I seem to have the need all the time. I have some teflon containers but they're either too big or of an awkward shape or whatnot. Well, these Pack n' Snack food containers are just the ticket. They'll hold anything from leftover food, fruits, cat food, you name it. And they seal up nicely. And they can be stacked. And after using, they can be cleaned in the upper rack of the dishwasher. What's not to like? Did I mention that they were cheap and can be used in the microwave oven?

Gary Peterson


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