Lassig Gold Label Messenger Bag

Lassig Gold Label Messenger Diaper Bag ,chocoI was looking for a large bag to use for an everyday holdall; I no longer require the services of a diaper bag. Loved the look of this bag, and the price, but nowhere online could I find a realistic picture of the interior only top-down pictures showing it stuffed full of gear, or small pictures of a full, open bag taken from a distance. Based on some comments (which may have been on some other website) about the "wonderful organization" of the interior, I ordered the grey.

Well, this is a nice-quality bag. The seatbelt strap that attaches with leash clips I always consider to be a rather cheap look, but I'd planned to sew a strap to replace that. However, where this bag really fell down (for me) was that the main compartment has NO organization. Under the flap there is an organization panel, with pen slots and a zipper pocket, that kind of thing (very much like Rickshaw Bags' "Large Deluxe Drop Pocket"). Inside the main compartment was actually a little tote bag, made to fill in the interior, with short tote handles and pockets all over the outside of it, made with the same fabric as the exterior of the main bag. But once you remove this little tote, the main compartment is completely empty. I did realize the tote was included what I'd not realized (due to lack of accurate photos online) was that this tote provides the sole interior organization.

In short, nice-quality bag, a little rustic around the strap area, but useless interior. I don't need or want the weight of a second tote inside a bag I choose to carry. It's back to real handbags for me.

I just received this product in the mail, and even though I haven't used it yet, it seems like it will fit my every need. Was very impressed with the quality of the materials used, and all the features that it included. I wanted a nicer-looking diaper bag that was a larger size, as I am a professional working woman, and I believe I got it!

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