Honest Kids Good Grape Kids Drink ( 4x8/6.75OZ)

Honest Kids Good Grape Kids DrinkWe eat healthy. That means my kids drink very little juice and zero soda. By very little I mean I never buy it, they might have some at a friend's house or a party or something. Generally they drink only milk or water. But that means they feel left out when the other kids have sugar-filled juice boxes or caprisuns. Enter Honest Kids! Yes, they have sugar in them, that's what I like. Go look at a box of 'Roaring waters' that has artificial sweeteners (and sugar too, something I never could quite figure out). I would rather my children had a small amount of real sugar than artificial sweeteners. Since they are used to drinking only water otherwise, they like these, they don't complain they taste watered down. In fact if you compare these to a typical CapriSun, its kind of like the difference between a Vitamin Water and Gatorade. When you are used to Vitamin water, (original) Gatorade is going to taste sickly sweet, if you are used to Gatorade, Vitamin water is going to taste like water with slight flavor. Ask yourself which you want your children to be used to?

I've seen other reviewers complain that they are hard to open or messy my 6 and 8 year olds have no problems with them. They put the straw in themselves and don't have a problem spilling them.

Now they don't feel left out when everyone else has a juice box, and I feel good about the amount of sugar they are taking in. At only 40 calories and no artificial sweeteners, this is exactly what I've been looking for!


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