green sprouts Trainer Spout 2 Pack, Green

green sprouts Trainer Spout 2 Pack, GreenThese came in handy when the pediatrician told us to start giving our son water. She suggested not using the bottle for water, but to try a cup. He wasn't quite ready for a cup, so these were a perfect alternative until he gets used to a cup. This also doubles as a bath toy or teething toy by itself.

I give my nearly-toddler son his green veggies via green smoothies and these nipples let the thicker liquid pass through with him choking as he has contol over the flow. They're the only nipples we use for smoothies and until ow have only been using 1 nipple for the past few months which has held up to is daily's stained from the carotenes in the drinks but aside from that have held up.

Buy green sprouts Trainer Spout 2 Pack, Green Now

There not so much of a soppy cup type nipple with the hard spout

But if you have a picky toddler who wants a nipple that's as

Close as a bottle nipple this is a great nipple transactioning from a regular bottle

Nipple there hard not not as hard like the real hard spouts

And also they last very very long since its hard to chew on but

Soft enough to drink out of .

Read Best Reviews of green sprouts Trainer Spout 2 Pack, Green Here


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