Beaba Babypote - Reusable Kids Squeeze Pouch

Beaba Babypote - Reusable Kids Squeeze PouchI heard great things about this from other moms out there. They make their own baby purees and put in there instead of those store bought pouches. We're past the baby puree stage here, but thought it'd be great in lunch boxes instead of the go gurts. My kids love the go gurt but get bored with the flavors. They LOVE mango lassis, and those work AWESOME in here! I stick them in the freezer over night and they do double duty, also as a ice pack.

I was worried how my five year old would react. But, he loves to use it as a juice box. Go figure. My 17 month old works the disposable pouches just fine, but these require some squeezing and he gets fustrated. I'm sure it's just a skill he'll pick up, but be prepared to do some teaching in the beginning. Oh, and you can even thin out regular yogurt or buy yogurt without stablizers for a drinkable *milkshake*. My kids love the wildberry and mango/banana from Traderspoint.

The uses really do go beyond the baby food stage. I did find these A LOT cheaper by googling it. In fact, for around 3 times LESS than amazon. So, do your homework.

I ordered this item because my daughter will only eat puree foods from pouches.

Here are my thoughts regarding this product:


1. Easy to clean

2. Easy to fill

3. Basically does the job and has saved me in a pinch when my daughter won't eat finger foods


1. Because the body of the container is not clear, it is hard to tell how much food is left in the pouch

2. The cap is sometimes hard to screw onto the body

3. The body is too squishy which can make it inefficient when it comes to squeezing out the food

Buy Beaba Babypote - Reusable Kids Squeeze Pouch Now

This has met and exceed my expectations. My toddler who still won't eat fruit or veggies unless purred loves this thing. I was spending too much on disposable packets from the health food store that couldn't even be recycled. Now I can make my own purees how he likes them. Great for the lunch box. There was a slight learning curve as they are a little harder to suck and squeeze the food out than the disposable kind, but he figured it out pretty fast.

It is very easy to load up with food (a standard table spoon easily fits into the opening). And cleaning is super easy. Fill it with hot soapy water and shake, or I can fit the sprayer from my sink all the way into the opening. If it's especially gross, I can turn it inside out and scrub it.

Agreed, the only design flaw is the top should be tethered. It will be useless if the cap gets lost.

Read Best Reviews of Beaba Babypote - Reusable Kids Squeeze Pouch Here

I ordered these on the thinking that my toddlers would love them. They really enjoy the squeeze pouches and I wanted something that was similar that I could fill myself. While the Babypote does do that, it does not have any kind of control. If you turn it upside down whatever you have in there just POURS out of the spout. And if you have toddlers you KNOW that they will do that. Our first time using these were a disaster. Applesauce EVERYWHERE. It was awful. And you don't need to squeeze it either. My suggestion for the mfr would be to add some kind of control diaphragm like a sippy cup has something that will hold the contents in if (when) a child turns it upside down. Maybe these are better for older kids but for mine they didn't work...

Want Beaba Babypote - Reusable Kids Squeeze Pouch Discount?

I bought this thinking that I could give it to my 10-month old who refuses to eat anything from a spoon. I make all my own baby food so my freezer has a ton of purees still in it that I don't want to waste. Unfortunately, I don't think this product will work for us (at least not yet). There is nothing to stop the food from leaking out which makes it quite messy (although not dissimilar to the squeezable purees found in the store). The problem is that it doesn't allow the baby to suck. You can only get the food out by squeezing. Perhaps this is why the product is meant for 1-yr and older? It's a great concept and I wish it worked better, but for now this will remain in the drawer!

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