For example, if you want something that will keep an older baby quiet on a plane ride, or a cute little finger food that travels well in the diaper bag and is already bite-size and tastes good and so on, I give these a 5. If you want what the packaging is trying to sell -"super" foods, "eat your colors", "made from real organic fruits and veggies", "vibrantly colored fruits and veggies hold many beneficial vitamins and minerals. Serving your baby a rainbow of colors will not only help develop a healthy taste for a variety of flavors, but will also provide a wide range of nutrients" -then I'd have to give it a 1. This is, despite their efforts to dress it up, just 1.5 ounces of fortified cereal. That's it. Every type -no matter what the combination of fruit and vegetableshas the exact same proportions of the exact same vitamins, even though they try to make it look like the purples are good for vitamin C and the oranges for vitamin A and the greens for calcium. Whatever was good in the organic veggies and fruits got taken out and forgotten somewhere; the only purpose the 'superfoods' serve in these concoctions is to be a colorful dust sprinkled on the outside of each piece (seriously). So like I said, if you're just looking for a good portable snack, these will work great. If you are trying to feed your baby vibrant colors so they can get those benefits extolled on the package, it looks like for now actual food is still your only option.

Now I know what "natural" food dyes are used to make things purple. Pretty, but not so fun to clean up. The purple dust gets all over my baby's face, hands (even under his fingernails!), and clothing, plus whatever surface he's eating them off of. The yellow and orange ones in this line aren't so bad, but now I'm regretting that I bought one of each color, because I'm betting the reds and greens will be just as messy. Skip the purples!!!
Buy Plum Organics Baby Food Puffs - Super Purples - blueberry & purple sweet potato - pack of 6 Now
We tried the purple, green, and red puffs, and we liked them all. They smell great and are quite tasty. My son eats a serving in just a few minutes. They aren't as sweet/sugary as other brands of puffs we've tried, which is a good thing. They're organic so you don't have to worry about any pesticides in the grains, fruits or veggies used to make them. Do I think they're worth $5/container? Definitely not. I got them on sale. I'd buy a few containers for $3 each every month. The bad thing about these is that once the container is opened, you want to use them in a week because they get stale that fast.
Unlike previous commenters, I didn't have a problem with the purple powder (which isn't just natural food coloring, it's dried and powdered blueberries and purple sweet potatoes) making a mess. You put your kid in a high chair with a tray and a pocket bib on, and let him eat. Then you wipe his hands and face before you let him get down and walk around. Voila! no mess!
Read Best Reviews of Plum Organics Baby Food Puffs - Super Purples - blueberry & purple sweet potato - pack of 6 Here
Why coat the puffs with messy purple powder that gets all over everything? What's the point? To make it look pretty? Please! The worst idea ever; it's just super messy for no reason. The purple one is the worst but this whole line of puffs is like this (and the green one smells exactly like baby poop). Get the other organic puffs, the kids love them just the same.
Want Plum Organics Baby Food Puffs - Super Purples - blueberry & purple sweet potato - pack of 6 Discount?
We bought these for traveling 12+ hours on a plane with our 19month old. He LOVED them! They are pricey for a regular snack but for an occasional treat to keep a toddler happy they are so worth it.
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