Buy Enfamil Newborn Infant formula Tub, Through 3 Months, 23.4-Ounce Now
Since breastfeeding didn't work out, we started out using Enfamil Lipil which caused my daughter to get terribly constipated. The Newborn formula was then recommended by our Pediatrician. It has been wonderful for my daughter who gobbles it up. She is currently 2 months old and doing great. This formula mixes very easily and has very little foam. She occasionally gets gas but no more constipation! I definitely recommend this formula.Read Best Reviews of Enfamil Newborn Infant formula Tub, Through 3 Months, 23.4-Ounce Here
I am supplementing with this formula. In the hospital they gave me this the first day and all was great but then, for some reason, they gave me Similac to feed him. He had two nursettes of Similac and spit up both times! I requested the Newborn Enfamil again and had no more spit upsnone! He is now seven weeks old and is doing great! We used Enfamil with my other son (now four) and he never spit up at all. I have no idea if that is anything to do with the formula but I think it would make it worth a try!Want Enfamil Newborn Infant formula Tub, Through 3 Months, 23.4-Ounce Discount?
I started using this product after a C-section delivery with my newborn. Like many mothers out there I had problems producing enough breast milk to satisfy my son from the beginning. The hospital staff started supplementing my son on the Enfamil 2 oz. ready to feed bottles for infants which he seemed to tolerate fairly well. After we brought our son home we switched from the ready to feed plastic bottles to the Enfamil Powder "Lipil" for infants which unfortunately was causing him to spit up as well as making him extremely gassy. We then tried Earth's Best Organic Dairy formula for a couple of days with somewhat better results. Shortly thereafter our lactation consultant gave us a gift bag of Enfamil products which contained a sample of the Newborn formula as shown here. Our son tolerated the formula well. It doesn't bubble up nearly as much when you shake it up and it digests quicker like breast milk. My son received mostly breast milk up until 6 weeks of age and we supplemented 2 4 feedings a day with the Newborn formula mostly at night. At his 8 week check up he had gone from 6 lbs at birth to 12 lbs exactly. I was glad to have a formula to supplement with that he could tolerate. My only real issue with this product is that he was constantly hungry even when we started to increase his formula feedings between weeks 8 to 12. It got so bad towards the end of his third month that he was getting a formula feeding every 30 60 minutes in the afternoon and evenings and he was still waking up 2 3 times at night to feed. We had a lot of difficulty satisfying our son's hunger with this product. While overall I was happy with Enfamil Newborn, I wouldn't recommend this product for larger newborns. Thankfully he did not have any problems with excessive gas or spitting up with this particular Emfamil product and that was a huge relief so we were glad that we were introduced to this product early on.
Enfamil formula is the best seller on amazon, and your post give full of details on their pro and cos. And can we use enfamil infant formula for newborn? we posted it with some deep reviews.
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