my eight month old grandson he chocked even though he has four teeth. They're not the kind that babies used to
be able to chomp on and then they would dissolve. Instead they break off in big chunks so they're not at all suitable
for babies.
Buy Brandt Zwieback - 8 oz Now
This zweiback worked in my mom's recipe for cheesecake. Her recipe called for 3/4 of a package of zweiback, and 3/4 of this package worked perfectly. Not only is the zweiback excellent, the package is the right size.It does not taste exactly like the original zwieback that I used years ago when my children where young, but it will do. I actually use this for the crust in a cheesecake recipe and the cheesecake would not be the same without this so I am very happy that I can get this through are okay. However, I was looking for zwieback cookies to use in my grandmother's recipe. She always used the Nabisco product, which is no longer available. The Brandt cookies have less of a toasted taste. Pan toasting the crumbs improves them slightly, but not enough. These are fine if you want a zwieback cookie, not fine if you're looking for the taste of the defunct Nabisco product.
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