In using this product I have noticed some negatives.
1)The steamer is difficult to open. This may be due to the fact that it gets very hot. It takes several minutes to pry off the lid after cooking. The plastic get very hot, so I need to run it under cool water just to be able to touch it. Cool water fixes the issue, so its not so bad.
2)It does not come with instructions on how to use it, so first time users may find this frustrating. It was basically trial and error at first, figuring out how much water to put in, and how long to cook. I begin most vegetables at 1 min 30, check, and add more time as needed. A small amount of water covering the bottom seems to do the trick for the steam.
3)It sometimes feels as if I am boiling the vegetables instead of steaming them. I would prefer if there was a raised bottom(with holes for the water to go into), so the vegetables rested above the water instead of directly in it.
As I said, the product does what is is supposed to do. It is not terrible, but it could be better.
Buy Annabel Karmel Micro Cook Container Now
My mom bought this item so that I could quickly steam healthy options for my daughter. I trusted the product and used it often. My mistake was that I did not look at the bottom the day I received it. It is Plastic 7 which is the kind that leeches toxic chemicals when it is heated. This is absolutely irresponsible in any children's meal preparation product let alone one that pro-ports healthy eating. I would have rated this a zero but Amazon won't let me.Read Best Reviews of Annabel Karmel Micro Cook Container Here
I bought this on a whim and love it for steaming frozen veggies and fresh broccoli. I have used it several times a week for at least two years.add water to just cover the bottom, fill with veggies... my frozen brocolli turn perfect in 2 min, fresh carrots 1 1/2 min... after two min it does help if you hold it under running cold water, it gets hot ( dah...). and one more thing, i cooked for toddlers and grownups. it holds perfect two portions. for one year old baby steemed food would be a little crunchy.. i'm glad i gave it a try after reading negative reviews.
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