Similac Expert Care For Diarrhea, For Babies and Toddlers (Pack of 6)

Similac Expert Care For Diarrhea, For Babies and ToddlersWe are so glad we tried this formula! My 11 month old daughter was having horrible diarrhea from antibiotics, so much so we had to change her clothes 6-8 times a day. With the diarrhea came awful side-effects, such as severe diaper rash to the point where every diaper change was a screaming disaster. We were all miserable until we found this. After just 2 days her stools started firming up and came about half as frequent. She had no problem making the switch, even though she had never had soy formula. The only downsides are that it is a little more expensive than regular formula, only comes in ready to feed, and is somewhat hard to find. I was able to find it in my local drugstore, but I noticed it was hit or miss as to if every chain carried it. The ready to feed is not something to turn you away, as this is only meant to be a temporary formula during the diarrhea. Once the diarrhea stops, you are suppose to transition/taper off this to the regular formula your infant/toddler is on. Also, I noticed it gave my daughter some gas, but that was easily fixed with some gas drops. FYI, I was able to purchase it for less than it is sold here, so I would look for it locally before committing to this price. Overall, we are very satisfied customers and recommend this to everyone whos little one is suffering from persistant diarrhea.

My son had horrible diarrhea for two weeks, nothing could get it to stop and no one knew why. Of course along with the diarrhea came the diaper rash, it was open and bleeding by the time we were sent to the ER by our pediatrician.

The ER doc told us about Isomil DF, and gave us a 6 pack sample.

Within 36 hours my son's stools were firming up and the diaper rash was beginning to subside.

This stuff REALLY works. Now we use it whenever he goes on an anti-biotic as they give the little ones horrible diarrhea as well. It even works for this!!

Buy Similac Expert Care For Diarrhea, For Babies and Toddlers (Pack of 6) Now

It works wonderfully to get rid of diarrea and tummy aches. My son hates the taste of soy formulas, but drank this down like it was melted ice cream. I just wish it wasn't so expensive. It only comes in ready-made.

Read Best Reviews of Similac Expert Care For Diarrhea, For Babies and Toddlers (Pack of 6) Here

My 18month old had terrible diarrhea. he hadnt had a drop of milk in 2wks and his diarrhea wasnt getting any better. because of his age dr wont give him medicine just fluids and electrolyte too keep him hydrated.

Then came the horrible diaper rash.

i learbed abt this formula and called ALL my local and nerby(within 50mi) pharmacys and stores and No One carried this miracle so i ordered overnight and payed the 30 dollars just for shipping. theres no price on makin my sweetheart feel better.

from the first bottle he went from green mucosy water to yellow bulky soft stools. and a day latyer he was much better.

its an absolute GREAT product! too bad its terribly hard to find.

thanks amazon though!!

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My three month old had been having severe diarrhea for over 2 weeks. Several tests were done at the ER (he also had some other issues) and we still had no answers. His pediatrician wouldn't even look at his diaper-he said it was normal. No infection, no cold, no apparent cause. LO had been on Similac Advance since birth, and we had not changed it. His diarrhea just started out of the blue one day. We tried lactose-free, soy, organic Earth's Best, all with no results. Finally, we bought this stuff and gave it to him, hoping it would work, and it did-instantly. The next poo he had was soft and yellow instead of brown water. Guessing it's the added fiber. The only problem is, it says on the bottle not to give it to infants under 6 months. I'm guessing that the nutritional value isn't the same as the other formulas? Also, we noticed that after 2 days of feeding him only this stuff that the tips of his poo were hardened. So now we were facing constipation. Tried half diarrhea and half advance in his next bottle and it worked like magic. His next poo was not too soft, not too hard. It's all a big experiment, and I'm slowing giving him less and less diarrhea stuff and more and more advance with each bottle. We will see how it goes.

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