Plan Toys Planactivity Steak Set Play Set

Plan Toys Planactivity Steak Set Play SetThis is a very well made, unique, cool toy set. My daughter loves it, and I wonder why they didn't make stuff like this when I was a kid, cuz I would have loved it. Guess that is why I love it now, and got it for her!

Cute set for my little carnivore. One thing that some may dislike is the small size of the food, but we are used to this with the plan toy brand. The plate is about the size of a saucer and the food sized accordingly. The little corn is especially cute with its felt husk still partially on. I just wish it didn't come with a big roll, something my son knows nothing about... a nice veggie side would have been nice, felt green beans for instance.

Buy Plan Toys Planactivity Steak Set Play Set Now

I needed food for my son's new grill and thought this would be great with the steak and corn. I just opened it and realized how SMALL the food was. The onions and mushrooms are a diff style cheapo wood, the corn is LITTLE and the green is felt, wasn't as crazy about it as I was when I saw it in the photo, and the steak is perfect, only wish it were a little bigger I guess. I think 15 is a bit much for what you are getting in comparison to buying a whole nice wooden kit with great utensils from M&D for the same cost. I wouldn't buy again.

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