Filling: I like to whip up a large quantity of food at once and freeze it for the future. So far I've done a variety of purees and I simply spread it with a rubber spatula until it fills all of the cells it takes about 30 seconds between pouring and spreading.
Storing: Put on the lid and stack them done! I'm notorious for having a full freezer, and these freeze just fine even if it's not perfectly level.
Removing: Push on one side and it pivots (due to the rounded bottom)! Even if the tray was frozen while tilted, it'll still spin out just fine. Sometimes I leave the lid on and run hot water over the bottom, but I really only do that if I want to quickly remove every cube so I can reuse the tray.
Cleaning: Dishwasher safe. Another benefit of the rounded shape is that there aren't any angles to scrub out, it's super quick and easy to hand wash.
I love that they're in 1 ounce portions, it works fantastic to pop a cube or two of frozen fruit into a steaming hot bowl of oatmeal to bring the oats down to a ready-to-eat temperature. I also like to put a cube of fruit puree into the Munchkin Fresh Food Feeder 2 Pack ,Colors May Vary for a tasty cold teether.I ordered two of these thinking they would be better than ice cube trays for freezing baby food. The instructions say that you just simply press on one side of a cube and it will just pop out. Not so. You either need to use a knife to loosen it or press REALLY hard. I opted for the second of these options, and pressed REALLY hard. Not only did the food shoot straight into the air and across the counter, but the plastic on the bottom of the tray shattered and there were little shards of plastic left lying on my counter (luckily not in my baby's food). This happened twice in a row. This is a very, very dangerous item for storing baby food. I will go back to using plain old ice cube trays covered in plastic wrap.
Update several months later: I don't find ice cube trays any easier to manage, so I went back to these. The instructions say that if the food doesn't just pop out, which for me it never does, then run hot water over the back. While this helps, it isn't normally enough, and usually results in water on the food. I have found that leaving the food out to thaw for 10-15 minutes, while probably not advisable due to the risk of bacteria growth and food spoiling, is the best method in getting the cubes to slide out easily. I should also say that the company contacted me after posting my original review and apologized, very politely made some suggestions on product use, and offered to replace my busted trays. While I still caution people in using these, I do continue to use the product (carefully) and the manufacturer has earned my respect based on their handling of my experience.The videos showing how the frozen food can be removed from these trays were helpful. The cubes aren't always easy to remove, but I'm not usually in such a huge hurry to get them out in 2 seconds flat.
Although I agree with most of the previous reviewers about the price and high-quality, I don't want to merely repeat what other reviewers have said, so I'll limit my review to mentioning one tip about its use, one tip about baby food recipes and two products that interface well with this one:
1. Brushing the insides of the tray with coconut oil before filling with puree seems to make the frozen cubes slide out easier. This way, the trays are really easy to clean too, with hardly any residue left behind.
2. For other recipes, has been a good resource.
3. Compatible products: Green Sprouts glass cubes; Munchkins freezer cups
The two products listed above are just the right size for holding the "cubes" of purees frozen in the Mumi & Bubi trays. No chiseling or thawing is necessary to get the cubes to fit.I searched for months for a convenient and easy way to store my pumped milk. Some trays were a great price but didn't hold the 1 ounce they claimed to. Others held 1 oz but were expensive and many reviewers said the trays were of poor quality and warped after dishwashing. Not to mention the lids did not snap on tight the way the Mumi and Bubi trays do.
These trays looked perfect, so I purchased them. They have a snap on lid to avoid spills and hold exactly 1 oz of liquid. Right now I am using them solely for freezing my breast milk and then transferring to freezer ziploc bags. They are made of a sturdy thick hard plastic which i'm sure will hold up for months later when I begin to make and freeze baby food.
Here is the best way I have found to remove the frozen breast milk.
1. leave trays on counter for a few minutes... 2 minutes is usually long enough to not only loosen the lid from the trays but also the cubes from the tray without any melting taking place.
2. I then remove the lid and place a piece of saran wrap over the cubes (this prevents any germs from your hands getting on and sticking to the cubes (if you didn't know breast milk its kinda sticky because of the fat))
3. With moderate pressure I then push on the very ends of the cubes and they slide right out.
I've read that some people run water on the bottoms but i have found that completely unnecessary as well as potentially letting water into the trays.
Overall these trays have definitely addressed the failures of all the other trays I have looked at, and are absolutely worth the price for this high quality product.I am just starting my baby on solids now and was researching ways to store in the freezer. I have ZERO freezer space so I was looking into getting some ice-cube trays when I came upon these. They were sold out at the time but I liked the design so much that I waited for them to re-stock. They are definitely worth it. At first I didn't understand how to get the cubes out. I was trying to push the outside of the cube when you actually have to push the cube itself. I found a youtube video that shows exactly how to do it; just search for "Free baby food recipe 3 How to remove MumiandBubi Cubes".
They are quite pricey but I'm happy with my purchase and for us they are well worth it.
1. slim design doesn't take up much space
2. lid fits great and is easy to get off
3. stacks easily in freezer
4. small portion size allows for quick and even defrost
5. rounded bottom makes removal easy
6. can be used for ice/juice/coffee cubes when babe is done using them so they are a great investment
1. $$
2. I think a picture showing the removal of the cubes would be helpful in the instructions as I was confused but maybe that's just me...
3 Researches PROVE How Coconut Oil Kills Fat.
The meaning of this is that you actually get rid of fat by eating Coconut Fat (also coconut milk, coconut cream and coconut oil).
These 3 researches from big medicinal journals are sure to turn the traditional nutrition world upside down!
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