"Easy" to operate. Fits in your hand nicely. Very nice slices. Just the right thickness. You will get many more slices than hand slicing! If you clean with hot water right after using the banana remnants fall right off and the Nanner is clean. The best of all worlds.The only reason I gave this 4 out 5 was because if you don't have your thumb in the exact right place the blades can hit your finger or finger nail. They are sharp enough to cut skin. But it slices perfectly and for how many bananas I slice a day I love it!
Buy Boon Nanner Hand-Held Banana Slicer,Yellow Now
My daughter loves this for making fancy desert dishes for her family and friends. It helps her around make nice Magic Bullet drinks as well.Read Best Reviews of Boon Nanner Hand-Held Banana Slicer,Yellow Here
My daughter was delighted to get this in her Christmas stocking, haven't heard how she likes it. Hope she did!Want Boon Nanner Hand-Held Banana Slicer,Yellow Discount?
The item comes in very handy but I found it a bit difficult to clean.I haven't put it in the dishwasher yet because I'm afraid it'll melt as the plastic seems a bit "flimsy" for lack of better words but as long as you hand-wash it and let it dry on its own its ok.
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