Colic-Calm Homeopathic Gripe Water, 2 Fluid Ounce

Colic-Calm Homeopathic Gripe Water, 2 Fluid OunceWhen i started to realize that the constant crying and sleepless nights with my newborn and first born was not normal i talked to our pediatrician who started treating him for acid reflux (GER). After fighting with our insurance to cover the prescription for Previcid in the first place, the struggle then became trying to get the medicine down. I already had a baby who was not eating/gaining weight and there i was giving him syringe after syringe of water trying to get the "not so soluble" tablet in his system. the whole experience was leaving me uber stressed and feeling like an exhausted failure. I came across the website for colic calm while looking for homeopathic treatments touting to provide acid reflux relief as well as colic. honestly i am not big on the idea of giving my kid something that our pediatrician had not even heard of but with the FDA stamp on it i felt somewhat better about trying it. At first i wouldnt say i was all that convinced but by the end of the week he was sleeping and eating like never before. suddenly the crying seemed managable like i had expected going into parenthood and the fact he was really eating for the first time made me feel a lot better about myself too. my husband was not so sold on giving the credit to the colic calm until we ran out and the delivery from amazon was delayed. 24 hours after his last dose and we were back to being up all night with a screaming baby.

couple things to note from what i read in other reviews. first i was prepared for the staining everyone complained about but really havent had a big problem with it. yes is is messy, and if you drip it directly on something and just leave ityes when you wash the item you will get a faint gray stain but even that is hardly noticable. most of the time even his white onsies dont show a stain. i have yet to see it stain skin. usually i will feed him after ward to wash it out of his mouth. otherwise the charcaol shows up in his drool for a bit.

poop is a hideous color with distinctive specks of charcoal but dont let it alarm you, 24 hours off it and poop goes right back to normal.

use the syringe that comes in the box. give a little bit at a time (takes me about 5 squirts to give him the 1/4 tsp dose) and choking is not an issue. i also point it toward his cheek so that it doesnt just go down his throat gagging him. When i tried an eye dropper type dispenser he gagged it all back out. Now he really doesnt mind getting his dose and even smiles through it.

at this point i am no longer giving him the prevacid and using only about 2 doses a daysometimes more if he gets the hiccups (which go away instantly when you give the colic calm) or he is fussy. one bottle last about 3 weeks.

This product has really seemed to help my 5 week old daughter. She was born fussy but became even more so at about 2 weeks old. I wouldn't say she truly has colic but she never seems satisfied and she does gets extremely fussy in the evenings. She has severe gas and gets the hiccups almost every bottle...those send her over the edge. It does offer immeidate relief of her hiccups.

Sometimes Colic Calm seems to help and sometimes it doesn't. I think when she is truly uncomfortable; it does help. Times that it doesn't help, I think it just may be her personality to be fussy.

One day I ate some leftovers from a resturant and got the worst stomachache so I decided to try some and I had almost immediate relief. I was sold after that. It has a great taste but the color is pretty freaky.

I think this is a good product and I just ordered my second bottle. This is the only FDA approved gripe water, which made me feel more comfortable giving it to her. When I read the ingredients on some of the other gripe waters, I noticed some that aren't exactly safe for babies.

Some of its drawbacks are that it is a terrible color and turns their poop funny colors an stains clothes but being able to relieve some of my baby's discomfort is well worth it.

Buy Colic-Calm Homeopathic Gripe Water, 2 Fluid Ounce Now

I used this product for a few days on the recommendation of a friend that swore by it with her children. I also searched the product reviews on Amazon before I purchased it and tried to find all ingredients but couldnt until I got the box. I failed to check each one then because I wanted to relieve the symptoms right away. I have a five week old son that has a touch of colic and it did help with colic symptoms but I did notice that he vomited alot more with this product, slept all day and then all through the night. That's when I became concerned and I decided to check each ingredient and found that "Melissa Officinalis" is sometimes used as a mild sedative. It does state on the box that "sleep may follow naturally after relief". It is a natural ingredient but who wants to give their child a sedative? I suppose if the colic is extreme and you need your child to sleep so that you can sleep also, then this may be the product for you. Otherwise, I would rather have my child awake, alert and just deal with his symptoms as opposed to having him under a sedative. I wrote this review for other parents to be cautious of this. Good luck to all who have to deal with the colic issue!

Read Best Reviews of Colic-Calm Homeopathic Gripe Water, 2 Fluid Ounce Here

I have always been a big proponent of natural medicine before chemical meds. I remember briefly reading about Colic Calm online and upon seeing it in CVS, I purchased it promptly, after reading the ingredients of course. It works incredibly great for my daughter and here are just a few super positives about this product:

1) First and foremost--it cures my daughter's reflux and gassiness/fussiness in less than 20 minutes flat each time it is used! My 1 month old daugher developed a bad case of fussiness/crying episodes as well as reflux, which prevented her from breastfeeding succesfully every night. Once Colic Calm was administered, she stops crying right away and is completely better within 20 minutes. You can set a watch on how accuratly and quickly it works! On couple of more severe case occasions, two doses needed to be administered within 30 minutes, as stated in instructions in order for maximum effectiveness, but worked momentarily after the 2nd dose for the remainder of the night and next day. It does help her reflux and she can feed great right after dosage administration. Even more importantly, it LASTS FOR ABOUT 2 DAYS AFTER THE DOSAGE--MEANING NO FUSSINESS/BETTER REFLUX SYMPTOMS/NO GASSINESS FOR 1 TO 2 DAYS AFTER EACH DOSAGE ADMINISTRATION! Also, it makes my daughter's bowel movements more regular--she has been slightly constipated, but after taking Colic Calm, she is good to go, which makes her tummy feel better and eases her discomfort and fusiness in itself!

2) Ingredients are great.

Being of European descent, I am extremely familiar with activated charcoal as a remedy for stomach upset and flatulance, thus I was not surprised that it was in this remedy and, in fact, that was an encouraging fact as I found it to be very helpful as a child growing up in Europe. It works just as great in Colic Calm, in my experience. Yes, it may stain, but would you choose your child feeling better over a stain? I know I would. Furthermore, just putting a bib on a child right before dosage administration helps to prevent staining on clothing. Simple! As for the black color--hey, natural substances have natural coloring--no artificial coloring here, just the way I like it!

Camomile--there are no known indications that this plant is highly allergenic. My whole extended family suffers from severe food allergies, and I have never encountered a camomile allergy, not to say that it doesn't exist, but it is very rare. What is known of chamomile, however, is its effectiveness as a calming herb, and it does just that in Colic Calm--calms the fussiness rather effectively.

Aloe--the wonder plant that helps a variety of stomach remedies as well as making the bowels more regular--very effective ingredient once again.

Melissa--true, it makes the baby more prone to sleepiness, but even more importantly, it makes the baby relaxed and able to fall asleep after an especially fussy episode...why this is bad is beyond me...any parent wishes for their child to sleep well. Also, this is not a drug, it is a homeopathic remedy, which is not the same as being drugged by a mainstream night aid--homeopathic remedies use the like cures like principle and only use a tiny miniscule particle of each remedy in the solution, unlike the chemically produced sleep aids...not even comparable. There are no side effects here either and does not make the baby drowsy, just relaxes the poor little thing so that she can sleep more soundly and not be bothered by reflux/gas/overstimulation etc. An A+ remedy in my book. Parents get more sleep too!

Tastes good, slightly sweet, just enough to entire the baby. My daughter loves the taste. The consistency is thick, which is great as it is not easy to spit up and goes down easier, instead of just sitting in the baby's mouth for a while.

Feces are discolored by it, but not that bad. Don't expect to see an all black stool, unless you give this each day, every day for multiple doses. Otherwise, it is just some specks of black in the stool, not that big of a deal. Since baby becomes more regular on this remedy, you will see more poop, though. One negative is that stool does smell more after multiple dosing given, but, once again, a very mild negative compared to all of the positives!

Now that my daughter is 10 weeks, after many weeks of giving her Colic Calm (since week 2, pretty much), I believe that Colic Calm contributed in a large part to her not having colic anymore and being able to be more regular, less gassy and fussy. Her reflux is also a lot better.

Overall, I highly recommend this magical potion. It works like a charm with no real side effects and makes for a happy baby and even happier parents :)

Want Colic-Calm Homeopathic Gripe Water, 2 Fluid Ounce Discount?

This works wonders for my 5 week old who has a gassy tummy! It works very quickly. Great product, I will keep purchasing until her tummy calms down.

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