I tried a number of different waterproof training pants and these were probably my favorite. They seemed to fit a little better and are a little softer than the Bummis training pants and they hold more than the Imse Vimse training pants. The Imse Vimse were my least favorite as they were the least absorbant and her pants would typically get wet even when changed right away. They were the least "puffy" but given we used cloth diapers, that really didn't matter to us. The Mother-Ease will typically hold one wet accident, but will get her pants wet if not changed right away. The Potty Patty ones worked at least as well, perhaps a bit better, but unfortunately my daughter did not like the print (much prefers the cute animals on these ones) so never wanted to wear them. Thus we use those as a back-up. Currently she is in regular panties during the day and we are using these at night. We do have to put the gerber training pants on under them to give enough absorbancy overnight. However, this seems to have worked so I have not had to go back and buy overnight training pants. She is on the lower end of the weight limit for size so there is plenty of room to put the other panties under them. Overall, expensive but for us worth the price.

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