Inserts work great, and are biodegradable. Can be use with any shell system, not just the Flips. I personally use Flip and WeeHugger shells most of the time. An individual package sells for less than $6 on practically any site you go to. A 12 pack (216 inserts) sells for $65.45 at several websites. Flip is manufactured by Cotton Babies, if you need more information about the system you can find the answers there.
Do your research and you can get the Flip inserts as a cheaper alternative to the GDiaper inserts. Just FYIthe Flip inserts are longer, therefore can be folded over a bit, which is handy for heavy wetters.
Again, great product, but avoid over-pricing. When you buy from Amazon directly, the prices are competitive. However, outside sellers can charge whatever they want to.I bought these to use on vacation. Good absorbency. Now that my child sleeps through the night we put on a disposal diaper and "double stuff" with this insert. Baby wakes up without leaking through after sleeping for 12 hours!
Buy flip Disposable Diaper Inserts - 18 ct Now
I was under the impression that this package must contain many inserts because of the price. An 18 count pack of inserts can be purchased at and many other websites for $5.99. The description of this product is vague and an insert count isn't included which I feel is made to purposely mislead the consumer. Why would anyone pay $29.99 for an 18 count package that can be purchased for $5.99? I am returning this because it is an awful price and it is my fault for assuming that the package would be a larger count. This product needs to be repriced by the seller or the description needs to be made more transparent so that people can be aware of the poor deal they will be getting.Read Best Reviews of flip Disposable Diaper Inserts - 18 ct Here
I've been using these on my toddler son who is a night soak-er and has Eczemaand they work great! They can be used as a doubler inside a disposable diaper or with cloth DD's.
We LOVE them!! Especially that they have no scent.They are perfect. Work just as well as the disposable gdiaper inserts and are cheaper. I will get these again!
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