Pencil Grip Gripable Comfortable Cutlery, Fork, Knife, Spoon with Gripable Handles, Green and White

Pencil Grip Gripable Comfortable Cutlery, Fork, Knife, Spoon with Gripable Handles, Green and White Handles, TPG-640GWe have the blue set for my 4-yr-old. He did chew off part of the bottom on the fork, but other than that they are still in good condition 2 years later. We are buying a second set for our 2-yr-old son. We haven't had any problems putting them in the dishwasher. Durable, cute and easy for toddlers to eat with.

Perfect set. I purchased one for both of my sons. I would've purchased two more sets if they were a little less expensive. They are durable and the perfect size for my two year old and five year old.

Buy Pencil Grip Gripable Comfortable Cutlery, Fork, Knife, Spoon with Gripable Handles, Green and White Now

My 2 1/2 year old daughter chewed/tore off the bottom two rings of the rubberized handle her first meal using these. Despite us telling her to stop, we eventually had to take them away. I guess they're tasty?

Besides that, they ARE a nice size for toddlers, and the fork tines actually pierce foods, unlike many toddler utensils on the market. Why a knife is included I'll never know...but it's not sharp. Toddler can play at pretending she has a knife I guess.

They come in a too-large-for-your-diaper-bag container...which you CANNOT put in the dishwasher because it melts down to nothing. AT least it's recyclable but what a waste of plastic (fossil fuel).

Read Best Reviews of Pencil Grip Gripable Comfortable Cutlery, Fork, Knife, Spoon with Gripable Handles, Green and White Here


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