I started my 6 month old on Cerelac Rice and have now moved on at 7 months old to the stage 2 cereals. She eats this up happily for lunch every day. This apple flavor appears to be her favorite. We also give her the banana flavored cereal and the vegetable and rice mix and she eats it all up while smiling. It is worth every penny.

I love this product because it is so delicious and so simple to prepare I only add warm water and have dinner or lunch or breakfast ready within seconds. I also take it on trips because I don't need to add milk or formula, just warm water. My baby loves it. It's always a quick back-up when my baby doesn't like what I made her for dinner. I couldn't find this product in the stores, so I always order it from Amazon.
Buy Nestle Cerelac Apple 400g (England) Now
My baby like this cereal.I always feed him with cerelac.I tried many other flavour of this cereal,That was also awesome.
Read Best Reviews of Nestle Cerelac Apple 400g (England) Here
I love Nestle, and these products are really fantastic. I love the taste and texture. Before I gave it to my little guys, I ate few cups myself... :)
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