At about the age of one year, our pediatrician advised us to give the baby more water, preferably in the form of fruit juices. She said to mix the 100% juice with about half water to cut down on the sugar content. We've been mixing Hansen's juices, available in mega-packs of small boxes, with bottled water and serving the mixture in a sippy cup. Our boy likes his drinks very much. A few days ago, we ran out. In an emergency, my wife picked up a bottle of Gerber's Graduates Fruit Splashes.
The Splashes are just about the same as we have been doing. They are 40% juice and the rest is purified water. A few vitamins and minerals have been added. The Splashes come in a variety of flavors and the one we picked up is Strawberry Kiwi. The boy enjoys the Splashes, just as he enjoyed our previous mixtures. I see no major difference and we wouldn't hesitate to use the Gerber product. I suspect we'll go back to the Hansen's juices, however, inasmuch as it is easier to give the kid a greater variety. Plus, we have a ready supply of juices for our own use.
Gary Peterson
Gerber Graduates for Toddlers Fruit Splashers Purified Water & Fruit Juice Blend Beverage, Grape fl
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on Sunday, August 3, 2014
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