Buy Earth's Best Organic 1st, Pears, 2.5 Ounce Jars (Pack of 12) Now
Simply pureed fruit, in a size that is suitable. For my use, mixed with some cereal to produce thicker consistency, which the little chap found easier to handle and filled him up more.Read Best Reviews of Earth's Best Organic 1st, Pears, 2.5 Ounce Jars (Pack of 12) Here
Fantastic fruit baby food! It really is all natural! It has a great taste especially when chilled! The important factor is that this brand of baby food does not add calories and pounds! I spent days researching and reading about the various baby foods. This brand came out on top. The final conclusion came when my grandson of 5 months could not get enough! He loves it!Want Earth's Best Organic 1st, Pears, 2.5 Ounce Jars (Pack of 12) Discount?
My baby found this to be a little sour and didn't like it the first two times. I put it in the fridge and he likes it better whenever it's served cold. I've found it hard to get organic pears in my neighborhood so it's convenient to have jarred organic pear.
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