Fresh Baby So Easy Portion Storage Bags

Fresh Baby So Easy Portion Storage BagsGreat bags! I loved these bags when making my daughter's baby food! Great for easy/convenient storage and great for travel. We've used them since for many other things as well so they didn't go to waste! Will definitely use again in the future!

I've been using these for months and keep finding new things to use them for. I started by freezing baby food for on the go. Then I started making single portion meals for my home day care. It's so nice to make meals on the wekends with out all the kids around, then I can just defrost how ever many bags I need for that particular day. Now I make mixes for baked goods. Dry go in one, wet in another to be frozen for later. Then the kids can help me bake special treats.

Buy Fresh Baby So Easy Portion Storage Bags Now

These bags fit nicely in my side-by-side freezer. They take up much less space than a traditional freezer bag so I can fit more in a small space. I like to keep homemade soup around for quick lunches and these are the perfect size for my family.

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