Prince Lionheart On The Go Bottle Warmer

Prince Lionheart On The Go Bottle WarmerWhile the concept overall seems like a good idea, it is not for everyone. If your life is hectic and/or disorganized (like me!), this is not for you, because you need to make sure to boil water and then place the warmer in for 15 minutes (which means remembering to start the whole process 20-30 minutes before you leave the house).

The other big thing that I didn't see in any of the reviews was that this does not work for Avent bottles. I tried with a 4 oz bottle but the warmer was too small and there was no way to fit the bottle and warmer in the bag.

I got this warmer and LOVE IT! It is great because it never fails that my son's feeding schedule dictated that he eat at the doctor's office or at church (before he was old enough to go to the nursery). I would take a bottle out of the fridge and put it in and start the heating process as soon as we arrived (since I knew my son would want to eat within 20-40 minutes). It's great because then if he only eats about half, the warmer keeps it warm for hours and he can finish what's left maybe a half-an-hour later (I don't like to let it sit warm for more than an hour after he starts eating...). This is good also if my son is not ready to eat when expected.

It's true that it can be touchy and sometimes start when getting bumped around in the diaper bag, but since it keeps the bottle warm for so long (even disposible bottles), I don't mind one bit. Definitely worth the money and easier to deal with than the car plug-in varieties.

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Even though this warmer takes a little while to fully heat a bottle it stays warm for a couple of hours without over heating it. I just fill a bottle with the amount of water I will need and break the activating seal about 45 minutes1 hour before I know when my baby will want to eat. Even if he sleeps through his feeding or doesn't want a bottle right when he wakes up, I can count on it keeping the water warm. And I just add the formula powder when he is ready. So granted it takes it's time heating up, I would assume that most moms know when their baby will want to eat (especially by 2 months old). What do you expect from something that you can't plug in? It's called on-the-go for a reason. Even car adapter warmers take a long time. Just work out a schedule and this warmer is great.

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Ok, so I've only used it once, but so far it's worked well. I use the taller Dr. Brown's bottles and didn't have a problem. While the top of the bottle sticks out more from the insulation, it still warmed the bottle well. I primarily wanted something that would take the "chill" off of a bottle of water (to mix with formula) in my bag when I'm out and about and it does the job. I only left it in there about 5 minutes and it was warmer than room temp. Maybe if you leave it in longer it will be a little warmer, but it was good enough for my baby since she hates cool milk. Also I think some reviewers mentioned that the "tab" that starts the warmer was easy to set off I had to put firm pressure on it to make it start, so I doubt that it will start warming in my bag before I'm ready. My only suggestion is that the manufacturer should make warmers that fit the taller bottles.

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I received this warmer from a friend who had used it with her two kids, so it has good longevity. The concept is so strange to me you bend a little stick in the warmer, like cracking a light stick, and it activates the liquid inside the pouch making it a white, warm solid. Wrap the pouch around a bottle and it will keep a bottle warm for hours. The pouch will eventually cool and the contents become hard and white. After the pouch cools, you need to reset the gel contents by boiling the pouch for 15 minutes. The contents become clear and liquid again and will remain that way until the little stick is bent again. I'm not sure how it keeps activating time and again.


Keeps an already warm bottle at a warm temperature for hours.

Can, in theory, be used twice with just one boiling boil the pouch and wrap it around a bottle to keep it warm, then crack the stick later to keep a second bottle warm.

Reusable for quite a long time my warmer is on its third baby.

Great price.


Instead of warming a bottle from cold, this warmer actually just keeps an already warm bottle warm.

I sometimes have to boil the warmer for 15 plus minutes to reset it more like 20 and it has to be an actual boil, not just a simmer or merely hot.

Fits Dr. Brown's 4-oz bottles great, but not so great for the taller 8-oz bottles, or wider bottles, such as Avent.

Overall, I like the warmer and will continue to use it.


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