My 2 yr old loves this. Its nutritious and smells pretty good. We add it to his Nestum milk when he has his bottle before bed and in the morning. Being pre-made it makes feeding him a bit more easy, other than making or boiling cereal from scratch.

i have been using this cereal for my son ever since he was a year old. i love the taste to it and so does he. he asks for it every mourning, and u can make some for urself as well its delicious.
Buy Nestle Nestum 3 Cereals, 14.1-Ounce (Pack of 6) Now
Minha bêbe adora este suplemento. Pena que cada lata tenha 300 g. A lata é do tamanho de 3 latinhas de leite condensado (só pra tentar comparar)
Read Best Reviews of Nestle Nestum 3 Cereals, 14.1-Ounce (Pack of 6) Here
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