Pickles to Pittsburgh (Aladdin Picture Books)

Pickles to PittsburghI thought PICKLES TO PITTSBURGH was the sequel to CLOUDY WITH A CHANCE OF MEATBALLS, but I was somewhat mistaken. The children from the first story do visit Chewandswallow, but only in a dream. The illustrations in this book are just as original as the ones in the first. However, the story is lacking and doesn't have the charm of the original story. Young children don't seem to mind that, though, and like reading the stories back to back. If you're familiar with CLOUDY WITH A CHANCE OF MEATBALLS, you maybe disappointed somewhat after reading PICKLES TO PITTSBURGH. However, if you're just looking for a book to read to kids, it's a good choice.

We absolutely loved "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs" (I highly recommend it) but this is nowhere near as good. Most of the story is just rehashing the original book, with a little politically-correct "let's ship the extra food to the hungry" thrown in. Lame.

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This is a good book as sequels go. There are subtle references to the other book and as a teacher, I really appreciated that. Those references may not be noticed by younger students, but that is useful as a teaching device. This would be a good set to read and then have students write their own sequel.

Read Best Reviews of Pickles to Pittsburgh (Aladdin Picture Books) Here

This is one of the BEST kids' books around. A fabulous sequel to "Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs", this is just one of those fun books to share wtih your kids, and a must-have on the shelf, even if your kids are too old to apprecite it everyone needs a little silliness now and again!

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Years ago, my kids had enjoyed the book "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs". When I learned that there was a sequel, I immediately ordered it for my two young grandsons, along with the original. Both my husband and I were disappointed with the new book; it seemed downright silly and except for "grandpa" in the story, it didn't have too much to do with the original.


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