California Baby Calendula Cream

California Baby Calendula Cream, 2 ozThis is great for babies with sensitive skin or suffering from eczema. I think it comes from the sweat during the warmer months. None of the other baby lotions or creams work as well as the Calendula has for us. The itching would make my daughter scream for hours on end. It was really disheartening. No matter what we tried we couldn't get her any relief unless she soaked in a bath, and we could only do that for so long. The calendula helps eliminate itch and inflammation which seems to have worked well. Be aware of the ingredients thoughmarigold being the main ingredient could have adverse effects for children with allergies.

My daughter also gets a lot of diaper rash from not only going to the bathroom but the combination of it and sweat. For that, I use a specific natural diaper rash cream by DesitinDesitin Creamy Diaper Rash Ointment + FREE Baby Ganics Thick N' Kleen (Fragrance Free) Baby Wipes. It's an ointment but it's creamy so it absorbs quickly. A dash of the Calendula on top of the diaper rash cream seems to help soothe the pain a little quicker for her.

The Calendula also has a really pleasant smell. It works on the entire body. I just avoid using it on her face in case she were to ingest it. Even though it's natural I feel more comfortable shielding that possibility. Make sure you find the original blend though, I've seen a lot of complaints of a 'new formula' but I've yet to encounter it myself.

Reformulation on California Baby Calendula Cream Be Aware: In the old formulation, water and calendula were the first two ingredients -the new formula Calendula is the 8TH INGREDIENT water, caprylic capric triglyceride, cetyl alcohol, stearic acid, glycerin USP, cetearyl olivate and sorbitan olivate, canola oil and FINALLY Calendula! This formulation is much cheaper for the company and yet they still charge an avg. of $5 an ounce!! I'm pretty outraged -if you use California Baby please let them know how you feel about this change in formulation and look to make sure the products YOU use haven't also been reformulated. ---Please note that my son who has severe eczema used to have NO skin reaction to the old formula and now he has pain on application and redness in his skin for up to an hour after it's applied.

I also want to note that it wasn't until my son started reacting to it that I even compared the labels --no notification of reformulation on the new containers at all -completely unethical -so very disappointed.

Buy California Baby Calendula Cream Now

My son had horrible baby acne and a friend recommended Calendula Cream to help it. What an amazing difference it made in just a few days! I used it 2-3x a day after washing his face and results were almost immediate.

Read Best Reviews of California Baby Calendula Cream Here

I have eczema on face / very sensitive skin. Immediately after applying the product my face burns for a good minute and then it stops. The product is intended for dry skin which I have due to my eczema however, after about an hour or so my skin feels dry again so I have to apply more of the product.

I read some reviews about how the crème with the new label has a new formula which isn't the same as the old label crème. Maybe due to the formula change I'm experiencing the burning sensation.

Want California Baby Calendula Cream Discount?

When my daughter turned 2 months old she broke out in eczema. It was all over her body and severe. We tried a number of different moisturizers: aquaphor, eucerin, Burt's Bees, nutraderm, lubriderm, to name a few. This lotion was the first that began to manage her eczema. Now, along with the lotion daily and the use of hydrocortisone she only needs spot treatment. Although the cost is high we consider it worth it and buy this in bulk so it's always on hand.


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