Baby Safe Disposable Feeder (Pack of One)

Baby Safe Disposable FeederSafer feeder is a wonderful life saver to a teething crying baby. Eventually you will have to buy replacements for the netting, but I bought mine about 6 mnths ago, and still haven't had to make a replacement yet. My son uses it everyday. You can put fresh or frozen foods in the netting, and screw the handle into the cap and not have to worry about it coming undone. The netting is durable and strong enough for the sharp new teeth and the dishwasher. I usually put frozen peach slices for my son when he is cutting a tooth, and he loves to chew and suck on this for hours. Only thing the child will have to be watched as with any other feeding techniques, and the handle is a little heavy and bulky for the smaller ones. It is still good if you hold it for them and let them chew, much better than those water filled teethers and vibrating teethers. Overall it is worth the money spent and will be spending for the extra netting if we will ever need them. It is easy to clean, some food like bananas does get in the edging and you have to work it out by hand and running water, but it is simple. Great recommendation to parents whom are tryin everything from teething rings to frozen waffles (like I did) to help ease the pain of teething. As well as, great to start them getting a taste of real food!! A baby won't choke like my son did on the teething biscuits.

This is really a wonderful product! My 6 month old son uses his all the time.

I found an easy way to clean the mesh part that I would like to share with every one. Firstremove any large pieces of pulp or food left insidedon't worry about scrubbing it out or removing all the food. Secondmix 1/4 a scoop of an oxi-clean type cleaner with hot water in glass cup. Thirdput the mesh bag in the glass ring side up (you can hold it down with a spoon). Wait about 10 minutes. Pull the mesh bag outrinse and clean with regular dish washing soap. Air dry. Mesh bag comes out sparkling white (so will your glasses if you have hard water stains!). The food simply disolves. Works really well with bananas!!!! No more brown colored mesh. No more time spent trying to pull small bits of food out from the mesh edges or from around the ring.

Now what to feed babyeverything but pudding and ice cream! Bananas, plums, peaches, melon, chicken, cooked carrots, potatoes, you name it. No grinding food, don't have to spend extra money on jars of baby food. This little gadget is GREAT!

Buy Baby Safe Disposable Feeder (Pack of One) Now

After reading about a good way to clean the bags (with Oxy-Clean), I wanted to tell everyone an even easier / healthier way to clean these (and all other things that are hard to scrub). Fill a learge bowl with 1/4 cup or so of white vinegar and warm water, place the bag (or any other item to be cleaned) in the bowl and then add a plain Alka-Seltzer tablet (I buy a generic brand at WalMart that's dirt cheap). The Alka Seltzer fizzes powerfully when it hits the vinegar and both of them together get out stains and blast off everything else without even scrubbing. Since it's just vinegar and seltzer, it makes me feel safer that there are no harsh chemicals left on the surface of whatever I'm cleaning...especially if it's for my baby. This also works great for cleaning jewelry (especially rings), and is much much cheaper than most other methods.

Read Best Reviews of Baby Safe Disposable Feeder (Pack of One) Here

I came across this product with a recommendation from a friend who's twins were having an easy time with teething. My little guy was so unhappy and crying all the time. The bitter biscuits were so messy and even without his first tooth william was able to break them into little chunks. I bought the feeder and used it originaly for his teething. At around 4 months old I was putting melon in it. Although it said to use frozen fruit, I just used fresh and of course fruit juice was everywhere afterward but the crying stopped. The only teething upsets after buying this product were when the tooth actually broke thru, otherwise william was suddenly the happiest kid in town. Melon, strawberrys, oranges, peaches, you name it. and once he was old enough i'd use it at dinner time and give him whatever we were having. Steak and potato....No problem. It made all the difference and saved my sanity to boot. I ran out and bought one for every gal in the family who was having a baby.

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