I've never written a product review before, but this product was such a disappointment, I wanted to spare other moms... As a previous poster noted, the heating wrap gets warm, but never warm enough to heat the contents of a bottle. After 45 minutes, our formula had inched its way up from cold to barely room temperature, and after that much time, I started to worry about food safety. Going through the Starbucks drive-through and asking for an extra cup of piping hot water to warm a bottle in is more practical than using this product.

I can't believe that other reviewers gave this item one star! I use Avent bottles with it and it works great. My only complaint is that sometimes it works too well and makes the bottle too hot. I used another bottle warmer with my older kids, but it took forever and just didn't get the job done. This one is fast. Another great feature is that after the bottle is warm, you can stow the cord in the back and take the bottle in the thermal case with you (as we often do to a restaurant). And it fits in my cupholder while heating!
Buy Munchkin Deluxe Auto Bottle Warmer - Colors May Vary Now
It worked well for me. :) I used Playtex Ventair and my bottles were fine. I actually have bought one for both of my friends!
Read Best Reviews of Munchkin Deluxe Auto Bottle Warmer - Colors May Vary Here
The bottle warmer said it would work with any type of bottles. I tried using it with Avent bottles. They fit inside the warmer, but they never warmed up. I could feel the warmer getting hot, but nothing ever happened to the formula. I even tried heating it up well in advance of my crying baby, but it still never heated. This is a complete waste. If I could find my receipt, I would return it.
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I attempted to use this bottle warmer with Born Free bottles...I had the bottle inside (supposedly being warmed up) for nearly 30 minutes and nothing. The actual heating insulation arm would heat up but not the bottle. Very unimpressed and returned it.
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