Yes, this formula comes in 32 oz cans but I use breast milk storage bottles. I open one can at a time (that way I do not have to worry about formula expiring once opened), pour formula into these bottles and store them in the fridge. I use 5 storage bottles at a time and my baby finishes that in less than one day.
This formula also comes in 2 oz ready to use bottles that is convenient on the go.
It is great formula, with proteins partially hydrolized ( which makes it easier for digestion), also has 80% less lactose than regular Enfamil. This really helped my baby.He does not suffer anymore, and I do not have to suffer watching him in pain.My baby loves it, and he has no problem with constipation like with the powder formula. The consistency is thick and smooth and easier to digest.I have ordered these cans for my granddaughter three times, they were all in great condition with no dented cans. The expiration dates were also fairly far into the year. She was a poor feeder, small for gestational age; this formula worked the best for her. She has gained weight beyond the pediatricians expectations!My daughter had severe gas pains for the first three months of her life, which caused her to be extremely fussy--especially during the evenings. She would scream and cry and refused to be soothe for about three hours every night due to her gas pains. We almost feared that we had a colicky baby, but around 3-3.5 months old she started settling down as her digestive system matured. She was BF for the first 6 months, so needless to say, when we had to slowly start transitioning her to formula around 5.5 months (due to low milk production) I was terrified that the painful gas and fussiness would return. My daughter wouldn't take the powder version and they used RTF at the hospital to supplement her the first couple of days due to low birth weight. I mixed Enfamil's Infant Premium and Gentlease RTFs in the beginning in hopes to transition her to 100% Infant Premium (which she is on now). I am not entirely sure if Gentlease helped with my daughter's fussiness and gas, but it definitely didn't hurt or upset her digestive system. It didn't interrupt her daily BM (considering that she was coming from full-time BF to formula) and she also didn't notice the taste difference from the Infant Premium.
After reading the other reviewer's comment about receiving spoiled formula, I tasted each can I opened. Gentlease tastes like a slightly watered down version of the Infant Premium, but it does have a very slight bitter after taste that the Infant Premium doesn't have (which is normal). The formula from Amazon had a long expiration date (which means it was fresher) and the cans were dent-free, but I still made sure to taste every batch I made. The cans do need to be opened with a can opener and must be used within 48 hours after opening. I transferred the entire contents to an airtight pitcher and used it that way because you should not be storing an open can in the fridge. Overall, I liked the formula and would recommend people give it a try to ease the transition from BF to formula.We were using the regular Enfamil and my daughter had severe gas. It caused such pain that she couldn't sleep at night. We tried several other formulas, which only caused constipation before using this. She eats it happily, her gas is on a normal level, and there is no more fussy baby due to stomach pains.
Not only that, but our current pediatrician is very happy that we are using Enfamil. My daughter has something impacting her growth and if we were using certain other formulas they would have recommended we switch.
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