Neat Solutions Biodegradable Table Topper Disposable Stick-on Placemat

Neat Solutions Baby Einstein Biodegradable Table Topper Disposable Stick-on Placemat 30-CountThese table topper work great for keeping our sons hands germ free and protect the restaurants tables from our sons mess but the toppers only have adhesive on the top and bottom, which leaves the sides exposed. Our son is very smart and has figured out how to slide his little finger on the side and unstick the topper from the tabel. the crinkle of plastic is very amusing to him.

I ordered the 30 count of placemats, and recently opened the package and thought it seemed like far fewer than 30 placemats inside. Then I noticed that there was actually a "30" sticker that COVERED the "18" count writing on the package... and, obviously, there are only 18 inside. Although I like the product in general, I wouldn't trust that you'll get the amount you pay for! Never imagined I'd see such a blatant case of lying to customers from Amazon.

Buy Neat Solutions Biodegradable Table Topper Disposable Stick-on Placemat Now

We really like these convenient disposable placemats. They keep his little hands from the dirty table and also keeps him entertained while we are eating as he likes touching the little pictures. We keep them in his eating out pouch that containes his food, disposable spoons, wipes, and bibs.

Read Best Reviews of Neat Solutions Biodegradable Table Topper Disposable Stick-on Placemat Here

I really liked this product. One of the reasons I purchased it was because the description said "Made in USA". After using, I read the package and it said made in China! Otherwise I would have given this a better rating. I don't like false advertising!

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Ditto on being the best invention. Friends who have witnessed us using these for our kids agree these are awesome, a great idea. I also had used the kiddopotamus rubber rollup mats initially and my son learned to yank them off the table . I also found the rubber mats bulky to carry around. I would have liked to continue using the kiddopotamus mat as its resuable and washable, less to the landfill. As mentioned by other reviews, these disposable mats are very compact, light weight and the second best feature for me, biodegradable. For our kids, once you successfully adhere the mat to the table, ripping the mat off the table is not easy so no problem for us.

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