I bought this product because my daughter had a hard time with all the other formulas except Enfamil Gentlease. I had to quit breastfeeding due to some medicine I was taking and did not want to pay $50.00 every two weeks for two cans of Enfamil formula. I had used a formula by the same company with my first daughter (it is the same as the Babies R' Us brand) and knew that the quality was great and dependable. Also, it had all the same ingredients as Enfamil Gentlease. So to me it is a matter of do I want to pay around $25.00/ 24oz just so I can have something name brand or do I want to pay $16.00/ 24oz have all the same benefits of Enfamil Gentlease at a much cheaper price...Well, go figure I decided to save money! I love this formula, it mixes well, she loves the taste, it is nutritionally complete, and with all the things you already have to buy for baby, why not save a little money when every little bit helps.
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