Buy Happy Baby happy bellies Brown Rice Cereal Now
I add a little into the puppy's food daily, and if there is a case of the runs, I add a little extra and it clears it right up!Read Best Reviews of Happy Baby happy bellies Brown Rice Cereal Here
Just started introducing solid food and our baby boy love this stuff like trying to grab the bowl and shove it all in his mouth. Figure that's a pretty good endorsement!I bought this cereal thinking I was buying an amazing product for my child...gotta try and be that supermom ya know :). I took it into her pediatrition to make sure that there was nothing too crazy in this cereal and she said basically it is just playing up all of the things that these cereals normally have in them. She said it may have a little bit different of percentages when comparing it to say a Gerber cereal but its practically the same thing. Now I personally love that this is organic and the Happy Bellies brand is one that I really like for my daughter. She doesnt however seem to like the taste of this cereal unless mixed with applesauce and/or added to a large quantity of formula or breastmilk. Overall I think this product is average for an organic cereal, however the price point is reasonable enough. I would say you dont need to go out of your way to purchase this but if your in the market for a higher end brand of cereal for your little one, you could give this a try.
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