To make a long story short, the rantidine did nothing to help his reflux. After two weeks I decided to call it quits. My pediatrician gave me samples of Alimentum because we suspected a milk protein allergy. The Allimentum did no good and gave him diarrhea. I switched back to Gentlease, even though it produced horrible green swamp poops and did not really help anything either. I almost gave up looking for a good formula, assuming that they were all horrible.
We tried everything I could find. First we bought a probiotic and started that once a day. It seemed to help aid digestion but did nothing to ease his pain. Then we switched from Avent to Dr. Brown's bottles, which cut down on the gas and helped a little bit more. Finally, I decided to give this formula a try. I was in the middle of a feeding of Gentlease, and he was crying in pain. Just for kicks I popped open a can of the Baby's Only Lactorelief and BAM! No pain! He literally stopped crying right in the middle of the feed, gulped down 4 ounces, and crashed.
I did not realize until visiting the NaturesOne website that they do compare this formula to Enfamil Gentlease and Similac Sensitive. It's the only sensitive organic formula on the market. The ingredients are similar to that of the other brands but it does not contain corn or hexane-derived DHA/ARA. It smells and tastes a ton better.
I don't think my son is lactose intolerant. Or maybe he is. There are also theories out there that some babies are sensitive to corn or DHA. Whatever the problem, I don't care. After two days of eating this formula, the only time we are experiencing any discomfort is when he has to burp. Even that seems very minimal and the burps are easier to coax out. I always wondered how long I should wait to see results from a new formula. A day? A week? A month? In this case, I have seen improvement from the very first feed. I won't say it's perfect yet, but he may have inflammation from the previous formula. I will update.
I know how frustrating it can be to figure out what the problem is if your baby is having reflux issues. It's trial by fire until you nail something down. If you are feeding Enfamil Gentlease or Similac Sensitive and would prefer an organic alternative, this is for you. Please do not let these people who insist that the arsenic will hurt your baby scare you. Do some research on hexane and DHA and decide which is worse, potential small amounts of arsenic (which is naturally occurring from volcanic activities in the areas of the world where rice is grown) or the hexane derivation process. This is the ONLY formula on the market which does not contain DHA/ARA.
Yes, it's expensive. But so are Alimentum and Nutramigen, and if your baby needs it, it's worth its weight in gold. I'm so glad it's working for us, and I could not be happier with it.
Update 9-14-12
Still working great! After two weeks, it's almost like my son never had reflux at all! We still get the occasional feed where he has an episode, but I think that might be stomach related and since he can't tell me, I'll never know. It seems to help to burp thoroughly when he gets that way.
Update 10-3-12
Over a month later we are still loving this formula. I had an extra can of the Dairy formula lying around and wanted to use it up. It instantly gave my son horrible gas and an upset stomach. I think he really does have a lactose sensitivity. I'm so glad Nature's One makes this organic lactose-free formula. My son is growing and thriving on it, with no reflux issues to speak of.
Update 1-23-13
We were able to transition to the slightly cheaper Baby's Only Soy formula at 6 months without a hitch. Tried the dairy formula again to no avail. I really think it's the lactose. But the soy is working great and we are saving money while still using the same great company.After pumping my way (full time) to 8 mos. this formula was the only kind my baby was eager to accept and that didn't cause her diaper rash. She's pretty lactose intolerant as it turns out (which only makes sense considering we only have 1 stomach to a cow's 4 stomachs)...I give this product 5 stars for the product itself. Hope Amazon gets a clue and distributes it in bulk so we can find a cheaper source. Would LOVE to subscribe and save, but there's no savings here.
Buy Baby's Only Toddler Formula, Lactose Relief, Organic, 12.7-Ounce Can Now
Our baby has severe issues with lactose, to the point that he cannot tolerate even breastmilk. The pedi put him on similac sensitive, which helped a bit with the eczema, vomiting and diarrhea, but it upset his stomach, caused gas and constipation. The pedi switched him to alimentum after the similac sensitive because of mucous in his stool. For those that have not tried alimentum, it seriously stinks and tastes even worse! Our poor baby screamed for a week on alimentum because it tore his stomach up. Not to mention everything else started coming back as well. Now enter lactorelief! We saw dramatic improvements within 24 hours! He has been on it for close to a month now and he has no stomach trouble, he poos regularly, his skin is beautiful and he is not congested all of the time. He also used to hate tummy-time (I'm assuming because his stomach hurt), but now he doesn't mind it. He sleeps better, too! And as a bonus, lactorelief tastes amazing! We now have a happy, healthy baby!Read Best Reviews of Baby's Only Toddler Formula, Lactose Relief, Organic, 12.7-Ounce Can Here
This is the second review I have ever written. The first was right before this for Enfamil Gentlease (do NOT buy it, it's disgusting and doesn't work) I can't nurse because I never got any milk so formula was my only option. After 9 weeks of screaming all day, terrible tummy aches, only eating 1-2oz a feeding, feeding every hour, restless sleep, GAS LIKE CRAZY, 4 different formulas and tons of gas drops, I finally found this formula. WOW what a difference. I thought my son has colic and reflux. NOPE. It was his formula. After switching to this formula, the first bottle I gave him, I immediately saw a change. First of all, he didn't pull away from the nipple like he had been doing. He didn't fart once while eating (first time) didn't scream and was soooo happy after he was done. He took 4 ounces and slept for 3 hours after the first bottle (and continues to do so) I only wish I had found this formula sooner.Want Baby's Only Toddler Formula, Lactose Relief, Organic, 12.7-Ounce Can Discount?
After trying multiple commercial formulas (could only breastfeed for 10 days due to medical issues), baby had major issues with feeding. He was severely constipated and began breaking out in a face/neck rash from forehead to neck (including his eyes). Researched this online and decided we needed an organic formula that is lactose free. This is the ONLY USDA certified organic formula without lactose (without using soy, which caused the baby's face/neck rash & didn't help his constipation). Within two days of using this formula, the baby's face rash disappeared, his bowels went back to normal, and he became a happy, energetic two month old (he went from screaming his head off hours each day to a baby who now can't stop cooing and smiling)! We could NOT be happier with this formula. It says "toddler" formula yet meets the FDA standards for infant formula. Nutritionally, it's soooo much better than commercial, non-organic formulas due to the USDA certified organic ingredients, it does not use corn syrup, and the formula now comes in BPA-free cans with a BPA-free scooper to measure the formula. Excellent excellent product! Shop around for better prices (I've been able to find some companies online offering this for $12 per can, free shipping, and no tax!)
Having the right Baby Milk Formula for my baby is a struggle as well during her weaning. Lucky to have found free samples from Aptamil. I was hesitant at first because it's expensive. Now my baby is enjoying it and she has grown more healthy and active.
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